Monday, April 14, 2008

Miley's 4 Minutes!!

For those of you living in a cave for don't know what YouTube is, Miley Cyrus and her friend Mandy record a show to post on YouTube called The Miley and Mandy Show. I don't watch it, and I have no desire to. BUT...for their last show, they made a sick dance video to JT and Madonna's "Four Minutes to Save the World" -- it's sick and Channing Tatum even makes an appearance. Check it out.

Just a heads up...the first 10-15 seconds is about as awesome as diarrhea. Ew, that even grossed me out.


Anonymous said...

im gonna have to say, that dancing was pretty sick. i liked the break dancing.

rich bitches.

Anonymous said...

gotta agree it u, especially da rich bitches part. they do it, just cuz they're famous, he dances wit dem!

Anonymous said...

Kat said, Awesome ! Cool Breakers ! I see MJ & Janet Jackson danceing there ! chow Kat!