Friday, April 11, 2008

Set the TiVo's tonight!!!

Our very own superhero Jackson Blue returns TONIGHT with his show Community Auditions!! It's airing on UPN at 9:30pm eastern time and will be on all weekend long too. You can check out all the details right here

Is it me, or does this picture say, "I'm taking over the world"?


Anonymous said...

Jackson, it's just you.
To me the picture says, "Look at me. I'm stoned."

louisebotting945 said...

hey ? whos that guy i c on tv with the yellow shirt???? oh its just JACKSON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhah

tashalicious193 said...

i watched it... pretty sweet

tashalicious193 said...

o and my sisters convinced shes auditioning so yeah...

tashalicious193 said...

and 2 seconds before u said u needed a simon cowell on the show i said that to louise...

tashalicious193 said...

i think i talk to much

Anonymous said...

ya u do

tashalicious193 said...

omg... is there any way anyones gonna believe i didnt write that?
or should i just not even bother telling u it wasnt me

Anonymous said...

ya it was i am really tasha

tashalicious193 said...

whoever u r please stop trying 2 make people not believe me... its rly not funny

Anonymous said...

stop tring to pretend u r not me u r obv. both of us so shut up

Anonymous said...

this is tash's friends and i know jesss wasnt tasha this time
shes working on not lying anymore

tashalicious193 said...

thanks becca...
since when do u call me tash?

Anonymous said...

however i must agree tash needs to shut up sometimes:)
i guess thats why we "love" her?

louisebotting945 said...

HAHAHh that commen t by "jess?" was funny hahah "shut up u no ur both of us"

tashalicious193 said...

haha yeah... funny during lunch... that study teacher person was great... i guess i was being a little loud... maybe

Anonymous said...

what have i said about hollow head?

tashalicious193 said...

and the black hole... little miss chicken nuggets

or should i say BIG miss chicken nuggets

and i wasnt screaming, i was...
okay i have no excuse this time

Anonymous said...


tashalicious193 said...

omg u r gross. cooper is such a disgusting perv... im embarassed to have talked to him

even if it was just to ask how linneas leg was :)

Anonymous said...


tashalicious193 said...


if he was reading this it would b so funny

if cooper was reading this that would b awesome...

Anonymous said...

...more than cooper

tashalicious193 said...

yes i no i am perverted... but more than cooper would b a bit of exaggeration.
those comments on linnea's facebook photos...
i would never do that...
even about myself ;)

louisebotting945 said...

y dont u guys just tlak on aim?

tashalicious193 said...

the sad thing is that we are...

we r talking on aim and here at the same time

Anonymous said...

YEAHH AHAAAHA hes pretty bad
"thats enjoyable"
"i dont want her boobs. i want to touch here boobs. theres a different"
"guys guess what...D cups!!!"
"my lips are sore..."
ok i guess he wins by an inch?

tashalicious193 said...

maybe a few feet...

Anonymous said...

we are talking on AIM saying your turn to comment
its more funny to have the public convo though

tashalicious193 said...

except for the people we know r going to read them...

hi mom and dad!

Anonymous said...

hi cassndra stalker davies!

tashalicious193 said...

which i have no idea how to pronounce... she changes it every year

Anonymous said...

no she doesnt...
well she might have to you
you and her are the biggest liars ive ever met!

tashalicious193 said...

who me? a liar? what a crazy idea!

louisebotting945 said...

hi what ev ur name is tasha, jess, alexa, kate j&l=mean jacksons mean, anonymous, and now JESSS

louisebotting945 said...

just 2 more and you will have 10!!!!!!

tashalicious193 said...

u need 2 make up your mind... last night u were like ok you're not j&l=mean but now you think i am... and also u said u dont think i was jesss last night... so im confused but whatever

Anonymous said...

and, if what u believe is true...

I'M #9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

natasha remember what i said the other day about getting into a lot of trouble natasha...

tashalicious193 said...

who r u?

louisebotting945 said...

now u people/person (cant decide anymore) are just creeping me out so im not gonna tlak to you guys anymore

tashalicious193 said...

fine b that way...

Anonymous said...

CLD chronic lying disorder

tashalicious193 said...

is that a real thing? if it is i probably have it

louisebotting945 said...

yes its real

tashalicious193 said...

i just looked it up... i found:
"pathological lying may accompany certain types of personality disorder"
well now we know theres something definitely wrong w me... actually i guess we already did

louisebotting945 said...

ya, we already knew

tashalicious193 said...

y r u talking 2 me?????????

louisebotting945 said...

because ima do what i want

Anonymous said...

KISS MY SASS - cobra starship

louisebotting945 said...

eat my corn hole- chris crocker.

thats so gross ^ isnt it

tashalicious193 said...

ya... but i luv chris crocker so its all good

louisebotting945 said...

yes louise that is wicked nasty. please dont say that again... and dont remind me of chris crocker. i have seen and heard enough of him.

quote of the day = "im so tight emos wear me for pants"

louisebotting945 said...

^^^ this is emily on louises blogging thing. im just to lazy to change the name.

Anonymous said...

there we go!

i think we should start a new thing. whoever finds the best quote of the day wins NOTHING but it will be fun

tashalicious193 said...

ok... a few ones i found on google:

friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it but only you get the warm feeling that it brings

men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped

it takes 46 muscles to frown but only 4 to flip 'em the bird

a computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing

if love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

after twelve years of therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. he said, "no hablo ingles."

if you die in an elevator, be sure to push the up button

Anonymous said...

you cant just look them up on google that's cheating. you have to think of them. like i read this one years ago and i think it is so hillarious. here goes...

"guys are like parking spots, all the good ones are taken, the only ones left are the trash filled ones and the handicaped."