Sunday, April 13, 2008

Oh Britney, you make me smile.

Britney was involved in a minor accident on Saturday night on the 405 Freeway in LA. Apparently the driver of the other car was blinded when he got a glimpse of Britney's exposed "tickle spot."

Just kidding. But seriously, at least she had panties on this time. And a license.


louisebotting945 said...

what a dumb ass.

my mom was teaching to to drive and i ran 6 stop signs and crashed into a snow bank.
but im beter now

Anonymous said...

who cares

Jadd said...

i'm moving to idaho when you get your license. really.

tashalicious193 said...

my mom said the whole worlds gonna b hiding in their basements the day i turn 16

Anonymous said...

louise will never get her license because she still sucks. she seriously did run 6 i was in the car. it was rediculous. 1 after the other and we kept yelling at her everytime and she kept forgetting. then she accelorated down a hill and almost ran off the road. then when we go home she was turning into the drive way and accelorated into a freakin snow bank.

louisebotting945 said...

shut up emily or i will cut ur head off.

im a good driver NOW ...i promise

Jadd said...

louise i'm gonna tell you the secret of driving. ready?

the petal on the right is the gas, not the brake. :)