Sunday, April 13, 2008

Full House kid...has a kid!!

Actress Jodie Sweetin (better known as Stephanie F'n Tanner!!! from Full House gave birth to her first child the other day, a daughter named Zoie. Her husband of 9 months, Cody Herpin, was on hand. It's Jodie's second marriage.

Okay, I have a laundry list of things for this one:

1) This is her second marriage? Does anyone remember her first? Oh wait I do, it was to crystal meth.

2) Jodie Herpin is her married name, huh? Is it me, or does anyone else get reminded of a bad case of herpes when you hear that last name?

3) Married for 9 months. Takes 9 months for a baby to be born. thinks this is how the marriage proposal convo went.
"Jodie: Oh sh*t, I'm pregnant.
Cody: Aww crap, does that mean I have to marry you now?
Jodie: How rude!"

4. She delivered the baby through a C-Section. Nothing says sexy bikini/beach body like big ass scar on your stomach.

**Special shoutout to Jackson Blue's Crew member Alycia for pointing this story out to me!!**


Anonymous said...

she looks way different. and as soon as i saw that last name i though of herpes too. and SHOTGUN WEDDING!

louisebotting945 said...

omfg she looks so different now since she grew up

louisebotting945 said...

ha we posted at the same time!

Anonymous said...

today i forgot how to spell octopus

Anonymous said...

and again haha

Unknown said...

#1 and #3 kickass!!! hhha

(yes that's a Triple H "ha" - steel cages tonight!!!)

Jadd said...

Jackson Blue-ah. Thanks for commenting-ah, on my post-ah, and tonight-ah, me, you, Spanky, and Ricky B-ah, will be playing the game-ah.

Ok, that got annoying.


Miss Manda said...

hahaha the HOW RUDE comment was priceless.