Monday, April 14, 2008

Jessica Alba's supersticious baby bracelets

Last week in Studio City, LA, Jessica Alba had a little baby shower. While there she had all of her guests (including Kim Kardashian's ass and Rashida Jones) put leather bracelets on and say a "life, love, health, well-being" prayer.

Then Jessica told her guests that they couldn't take the bracelets off until the baby was born!!!

Jessica Alba's unborn baby basically handcuffed all the guests with this voodoo superstitious bracelet hullabaloo!

It's just step one in the fetus' elaborate plot to rule the world!!! (From inside Jessica's uterus, of coarse.)


Jadd said...

Who was one of her guests? Raisha Saeed? Did she bring Awesome Kong too?

Miss Manda said...

hahaha rashida jones u fool, from the office!

louisebotting945 said...

hahahah ^

Anonymous said...

haha, and thats a little strange

Anonymous said...

Kat said, Look at that cute belly ! good luck Jess! shes a new mom just new to all this so of corse shes supersticious , have a wonderful pregnacy , take care chow Kat ! do we know what shes havin ? soooo happy for the lucky parents to be ! all the best Jess ! chow Kat!