Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hollywood Coming to Lowell

"This Side of the Truth" starts filming on Monday morning in Lowell if anybody wants to catch a celebrity sighting. They're shooting inside The Dubliner, Lowell's oldest and best known Irish bar, on Market Street. The movie is due out in 2009 and features Miss Jennifer Gardner and the recently-controversial Rob Lowe. It also has some comedic relief from SNL's Tina Fey and The Office's Ricky Gervais.

"This Side of the Truth" takes place in a world where lying does not exsit, and centers on a man who figures out how to lie to gain the attention of a woman who is out of his league."

Sounds intriguing...actually, not really... sounds like your everyday situation. All men lie.... just kidding ;)


louisebotting945 said...


louisebotting945 said...

amanda - about rock of love.

yeah i dont think eaither of them to shoul have got him. i dont think the relationship will last to long. and yeah she is a hypocrite. i dont think it will last

Anonymous said...

Im here for Tasha's redemption.
Im also the other parent of the big family. =)
~Natasha's lover.

tashalicious193 said...

no julia, post an actual comment!

Anonymous said...

Lying is like air....Tasha can't live without it.
~Natasha's lover

tashalicious193 said...

thanks a million.

and yeah, just so everyone knows, she's the mother of our 8 (or possibly 9) child family

louisebotting945 said...

good girl tasha u got a friends to post!

tashalicious193 said...

yes... and this one said she was never going to dirtydirt again because it slows down her computer. see how hard i try?

Anonymous said...

like omg im so rad.

tashalicious193 said...

really, louise, after what we've been through today, do you really think i posted that?

please say no, please say no, please say no...

louisebotting945 said...


Anonymous said...

i just posted under this name because we miss this personality.


louisebotting945 said...

emily ur a dumbass

tashalicious193 said...

see? it's not always me!

Anonymous said...

we know its not always you, nat baby, we all know that you are completely fantabulously amazing and we luv you!
forgive her guys, she lacks some common sense but other than that shes pretty much the best :)
luv u nat!
hana (nat's bffc)

louisebotting945 said...

the difference is that emily wasnt trying to be you and actually signed her name lol