Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Remember Inga Marchand???

Ok maybe not by that name... how bout Foxy Brown? Ring any bells??

She's finally getting released from prison this Friday. She was sentenced in August and has been under continuous lockdown ever since.

Her next album, Brooklyn's Don Diva, is slated to drop May 13, and she is reportedly in talks with television networks about a reality show as well. There has been no definitive word on the fate of Black Roses, the LP that she worked on while at her first recording home, Def Jam. The project was to feature such notables as her dear friend Luther Vandross and one time inseparable confidant/ rhyme accomplice Jay-Z.

I might check out the album but I don't think I'd be interested enough to watch the show if it happens... how bout you guys?? Maybe if they include some footage from inside her jail cell... but other than that, been there, seen that...way too many times before.


Jadd said...

This interested me last week when I reported on it ;)

Miss Manda said...

hahah youre such a bad word.

Jadd said...

At least I'm a bad word that cares enough to pay attention to what my fellow Dirt Slingers write :)

louisebotting945 said...

^hahah you guys are funny

Anonymous said...

haha way to go