Monday, April 21, 2008

More Miley Cyrus Myspace Pics

Why does she keep posting these damn pictures on the internet?!?
They're not that bad really... but this is like the fourth round of pics!!!
I think she loves the attention.
I also think the ugly teen dude she's with is the young Mr. Bean (see last picture).
(and thanks to Mariah!)


Anonymous said...

the first one is just weird
the second two arn't bad at all

and the last one... YES

tashalicious193 said...

omg the first one is really wierd... she looks like... i dont even know what
i think its not really a huge deal... i mean if a normal teenager her age took pictures like that nobody would care so whats the difference really?

Unknown said...

I think the only difference is she keeps getting criticized for looking like a ho in the pics she's posting.

You would think that after the first time of posting, she'd stop just to save face.

This is the fourth round of Myspace pics that have been posted.

She should really just keep them private for her own sake.

Remember - she IS Hannah Montana. She cashes Disney's checks to be a role model for 10 year-olds.

Anonymous said...

thats what i was thinking (jackson)
after i commented. i mean she is an idol to basicly all girls 10 & under. what is she teaching them?
yes its not that big of a deal, but then the little kids will be doing that stuff because "hannah montana did it"

i agree, she should keep them to herself

louisebotting945 said...

the 3rd one is ok, the others she should have kept away

Anonymous said...

i really do think the one with the bra & the one with her shirt rolled up is the only ones that should be considered "scandalous" to disney.

she's a role model to little kids and i'm pretty sure we don't need little kids thinking it's okay to walk around with their bras hanging out.

i was like thisclose to starting to like her, too!

she should just stop taking them all together. she's a really pretty girl; she doesn't need to flaunt her body for the world to see to prove that. (and yes, admitting that she was pretty was hard for me, jackson.)

your welcome. you know anytime you need disney scandals you can come to me. i have all the inside info.

Anonymous said...

heres a few more new ones

Anonymous said...

ps theyre not that bad but who is this guy?
new boyfriend maybe...?

Anonymous said...

ok 1) miley is waaay 2 obsessed with ehrself she does all this crap just 2 get noticed like these semi-racy pictures and several others like them plus she even staged finding a lost dog and returning it i mean please so pathetic
2) i know some teenage girls have pictures like this but a. not one of those girls has not been called a slut or ho or skank all of them hav gotten namecalled for it and b. shes a teenager but she's also a role model for 10 and under girls who should not be taking pics like this (like other people had said)
overall i think miley is a pretty sucky rolemodel. and is pretty pathetic and attention-craving. and rlly annoying and not talented at all (but thats for other reasons) ;]

Anonymous said...

Wow I just wanna say I am like a hugee fan of Miley people say I'm obsessed, thats how much I liked her. But now like shes just becoming awfully annoying. It started with the nick choice awards where she sang horribly. Then on idol gives back where she was boasting about her accomplishments. The first few rounds of pictures weren't that bad, she got criticisms for it and I thought it was over. But honestly how much attention does one girl need? ALSO, she keeps referring to how shes such a devout Christian and she wears a purity ring, which shes never pictured wearing, when she goes and takes naked pictures all over guys.

Anonymous said...

Kat said, I love Mr. Bean !!!! Is that Miley only one shot looks like her is that her boo !! cute! We see your boob Miley ! I have tats on my boobs ! Profm & Kiss108! chow Kat!

Anonymous said...

What one damn ugly hoe.

Anonymous said...

Kat said, back with more, Miley good luck with your cute boo! Lindsay had a few too many! good night Lindsay! Fergie lookin Hot! Good for Brit! I'm glad she's back to Normal. No thanks Paris! Enrique's Hot! & I'm sure his manhood is as fine as he is !! oh yeah! size don't matter . We wear our sunglasses at night !Is Katie prego? I see a bump? Rock on Reunion! Happy sweet 18th bday Hermione! with your undie's crotch shot! Love Jordin! and sure hope she's ok ! and gets better soon take care Jordin, your soooo Talented ! Good luck ! big fan ! And last NO THANKS AMY YUCK! chow for now Kat ! thats a wrap !

Jadd said...

I'm calling it right now...we'll see pics of her cooter on her 18th birthday.

Because that's the cool thing to do now.

Anonymous said...

she is ho fo sho. she is so gonna be corrupt like Brittany by age 19

Anonymous said...

she is a stupid whore!!!
she does this purposly, its kind of obvious...
she just wants attention for the wrong reasons...
if it was up to me, I'd friggin fire her ass from Disney!!!!!
she doesnt deserve to be Hannah Montana anymore.
she thinks these pictures will get Nick back, but they wont...
shes a loserrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

she is pretty hot i am not gonna lie

BUT!!!! i dont no if they first one is really her because if u look at the bottoms ones and the one on the top because on the top she has like a blondish brown kinda color (not a hair salonist) but the bottom ones are black but i predict that she becomes a linsey lohan when she learns to drive

Anonymous said...

*S*L*U*T* love her but this is to much...

Anonymous said...

haha yet another girl who looks for attention in all the wrong places. kinda gross?...

Anonymous said...

It's spelled CIAO not CHOW. It's Italian not dog food. Kat.