Monday, April 14, 2008

Dr. Phil = dummy

First things first. Let me just point out that Dr. Phil has one shiny ass head. Look at that thing! It looks like Mr. Clean meets Turtle Wax. And look at his teeth...I say dentures. Anyway, moving on...

Apparently Dr. Phil, in all his infinite wisdom, decided it would be a good idea to bail out one of the 18-yr old girls that went to jail for kicking the crap out of their cheerleader friend. Not because he's a nice guy, but because drama = ratings.

Well what Dr. Dummy didn't realize is that there's a gag order on the case, which means none of the girls involved can talk about it anyway! So now he just looks like an absolute douchebag who was trying to cash in on the whole deal.

For the record, I keep looking at his teeth in this picture and all I can think of is the scene in Dennis the Menace where Dennis breaks the two front teeth of Mr. Wilson's dentures and replaces them with Chiclets. Click here to see the comes up at about :53 seconds.

1 comment:

louisebotting945 said...

im not looking at the teeth so much, but more at all those wrinkles near his eyes.