Saturday, February 16, 2008

An Open Letter To Jonas Brothers Fans (and everyone else)

What a night I had tonight!!! Wooohhh!!!

I became public enemy #1 in the country to all hardcore Jonas Brothers fans.

I don't normally mention my radio career on this blog because I like to keep this totally separate from my radio thing (even though I link these articles on my radio page). But let me explain what happened earlier tonight.

We're running a win tickets and soundcheck passes to see the Jonas Brothers contest on the air right now. The phones are basically locked for my whole shift with people calling looking for tickets. It's seriously nuts. So - since I know the Jonas Brothers fans are listening heavily right now - I decided to run a Jonas Brothers poll on my page.

The poll I ran was meant to be a tough decision for any Jonas Brothers fan to answer. It was in the same vein as when you used to play those "what would you rather" games with your friends. Like "what would you rather eat: a bowl of spiders, a dirty diaper, or a pair of fish eyeballs?" Or "who'd you rather make out with: Boy A, Boy B, or Boy C" all of whom are nasty. It's not that you'd want to do any of the three... but you have to make a decision... just for fun.

So the question I asked was "if you were forced to make one of the Jonas Brothers disappear forever, which would you choose?" The choices were Nick, Joe, Kevin, or all of them. I didn't put "I'd keep all of them" as an option because I know it would be all "keep them all" or "get rid of all of them" as answers, thus defeating the purpose of the poll in the first place. I didn't do the poll because I want people to hate on the JoBros, I just did it for fun.

A ton of votes came in and Kevin was trailing pretty far. So on the air I gave an update (as I said I would throughout the night like it was an election). I said "man, Kevin is trailing hard right now. He's dead to you, huh?" Totally tongue-in-cheek-sarcastic. That's where the backlash started.

Some Jonas Brothers fan took serious exception to this and thought I was saying that I wanted Kevin Jonas to die! So instead of calling me and letting me clarify - or to be able to listen to why she (and other big fans) wouldn't want this poll on the air - she went online and posted a huge bash message about me on Myspace urging other fans to take action and to repost the message over and over. So they did. And the emails started to come into me.

These emails weren't looking for clarification from me. They were simply blasting me and my character. Calling me names that would make their mothers faint.

All it would have taken was a call. I would have pulled the stupid poll. It was just meant for fun... for the same people that were now threatening me via email.

HERE ARE SOME OF THE EMAILS I GOT TONIGHT!!! Warning: language is very foul in many of them.

This was all a big misunderstanding. As much trash as I talk about the celebs, I don't want any of them to die. In fact I play the Jonas Brothers new song at least 3 times a night during my 5 hour show. Do I have to??? No. I play them because I want to help get their music out there - in Boston - the 10th biggest radio market in the country. That's a lot of exposure.

What I don't understand is why these fans -- and I notice it mostly about Jonas Brothers fans and Miley Cyrus fans -- take everything soooooo seriously about the stars they love. [And let me clarify that I'm not generalizing all their fans into this category by any means.] It's almost as if they're always waiting to get angry about anything you might say about the Jonas Brothers (or Miley Cyrus). They're always on edge. I don't know why they let such small things effect their lives and their moods so dramatically.

Most these people who were emailing me hatred have never listened to me before, have no clue who I am, and DEFINITELY didn't hear any of what was said on the air about the poll. They reacted to one post from one fan who took what I was doing completely the wrong way. And they reacted by cutting me down without even clarifying that I indeed "wanted the Jonas Brothers to die" or even disliked the band at all. None of those people that were emailing me took into account that I'm trying to help the band they love so much by giving them exposure on the air every night.

So to the Jonas Brothers fans -- sorry I angered you so badly. It's entirely the opposite of what I meant to do. BUT -- take things a little less seriously. Don't think everybody is always on the attack of you or "your boys." Life is too short to let things bother you so dramatically.



Anonymous said...

sooo i saw that bulletin, read it, reposted it, then followed the link. and saw this. so i went back on myspace and deleted the bulletin i had just posted. thanks for clarifying what you meant!
(and yes the JB are fantastic musicians, hoorah!!)

Anonymous said...

Okay let me help you understand Jackson. Being that you aren't a girl and therefore was never a young adolescent tween girl who went through the phase of obsessing over a boy band, it's probably lost on you why the JB fans and Miley Cyrus fans are so uptight. They are pre teens. They're learning that boys are for making out and other things, and they're hormones are seriously out of wack. Five years from now those same girls are gonna laugh at themselves when they remember how seriously they deffended these boys. Which by the way girls, just to let you in on a secret you'll learn later, you'll probably never meet these guys and if you did trust me they'd forget your name five minutes later. Find a new hobby to be passionate about. It's okay to love their music and all but being obessesive and writing hate mail is stupid and pathetic.

Anonymous said...
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louisebotting945 said...

omfg thats crazy. people get so worked up over the most rediculous things! obviously that was a joke. These teenies dont understand sarcasm.

and i totally agree with sara.. they need to stop their weird obbsessions with bands...and miley cyrus...and def. need to stop the rediculous hate mail.

....looks like you cant joke around on the radio with these idiots anymore...

Trisha-tastic said...
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Trisha-tastic said...

Okay, being a 21 year-old Jonas fan that's not from Boston, I feel like I am removed enough to see things from both perspective. Here's how I see it: Both sides are in the wrong. You shouldn't have put the poll up, but at the same time you couldn't have known Jonas fans would have reacted badly. I thank you for clarifying and ask that you please continue to help out our boys.
As for Jonas fans, there's two things you should know that will (hopefully)help you understand the reaction of the fans.
Most Jonas fans have gotten teased at least once or twice for being a Jonas fan. People make fun of us and the boys and we've had to defend them and ourselves many times. After a while it feels like we're always on the defensive so when something like this happens overreaction is almost guaranteed.
Second, this poll specifically hit on a raw nerve for all true Jonas fans. There are "fans" out there that only like Nick and Joe. People call Kevin ugly and say they don't like him and that they wish he wasn't in the band, etc. All the true Jonas fans, especially those of us that love Kevin (yes I'm including myself in that), are always having to remind people that Kevin is an important part of the band, that he's in most definitely not ugly, and that he is one of the kindest, sweetest, and generally one of the greatest human beings on the planet.
I also want to say that I am horrified at the email you received. I had hoped Jonas fans could carry themselves with more dignity than that. The cussing and threats were totally uncalled for and I would like to apologize for them. There are better ways of expressing yourself.
So I hope you understand a bit more and you can hopefully forget about this incident and know that not all Jonas fans are like the ones who sent you emails.

Trisha, Missouri

Unknown said...

Thanks Trisha. However -- I had no way of knowing the background story on the Kevin/Jonas Brothers and their fans/haters drama.

Last night left a really bad taste in my mouth and I will continue to support them and their music -- but I will never discuss them on the radio again.

I don't want to be lynched by rabid teens with potty mouths.

I guarantee if I put the same poll up about Nickelback (although their following is just as large widescale as the Jonas Brothers), there would be no backlash.

Thanks for explaining though. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Jackson I'm a huge Jonas Brothers fan from Utah and I just wanted to say sorry. I was one who sent you a hate email and I didn't know the full story. Now that I do, I know we were all wrong. I hope you can accept my sincere apology.

I listened to you online last night after sending the email and you're great on the radio too! Very funny!

Anonymous said...

i won this contest at 8:10 last nighttttttttt! woooooooooo! :))) THANK YOU JACKSON BLUE AND KISS 108!! <333

Anonymous said...

hey, im a jonas brothers fan and i dont give a shit about your poll.
im not gonna get all worked up b/c of it. like seriously, people need to chill out.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's my reaction the whole situation. I am a huge Jonas Brothers fan, and when I saw that poll on your page it did sort of anger me because I don't like to see any of the Jonas Brothers being put down and I knew that the poll was going to single one of them out. Plus, knowing the pattern of everything, I knew the outcome was going to be Kevin, which aggravates me more than anything because Kevin is amazing and the JB would be NOTHING without him. But at the same time, I listen to your show every time you're on and I understand your personality, so I kind of just brushed it off, and chose not to vote at all.

I don't think some of those e-mails were appropriate but Jackson, you should know that Jonas Brothers fans are crazy and will do anything for those boys. hahah.

Also, I don't know how old the people were who were e-mailing you, but I do think they should have just gave you a call and cleared it up instead of putting you down. I still LOVE your show, and I appreciate the love & support you give to the Jonas Brothers. I understand that you never meant to anger any of their fans and it was just for fun. But again, we just don't enjoy seeing any of them being put down.

I hope this maybe cleared it up for you a little bit? I still love you Jackson. I promise not all Jonas lovers hate you! Keep being your hilarious self!

--Samantha from Lawrence

Anonymous said...

i completely agree with trisha-she said exactly what i was thinking

rachel, indiana

Anonymous said...

DO NOT LISTEN TO ALL THOSE GIRLS BASHING YOU. they are calling you discusting when listen to them its horrifing. i heard what you said on the radio and i get what you ment. The poll was leaning more on kevins behalf and if there "FANS" are taking it this seriously why even vote!? there "FANS" are doing this to themselves by voting and taking what you said as a mean things towards kevin I LOVE ALL OF THE JONAS BROTHERS....including kevin and this whole thing is so dont deserve this you did nothing wrong those girls should be complaining to the people who voted because you didnt vote so its not your fault.....welll ill still listen to you i think your a great DJ and this whole thing should stop because REAL FANS OR THE JOBROS WOULD LET IT ROLL OFF THERE SHOULDERS AND STILL BE THERE FOR wernt bashing kevin the people who voted were so everyone should get offf your back..........ILL BE CALLING IN TO YOU AND STILL TRYING TO GET MY TICKETS WILL THE OTHER"FANS SIT AND COMPLAIN ILL HAVE A BETTER CHANCE.......THATS A TRUE rock and ill be listening to you tonite.

Anonymous said...

first off, to sara, hunny I've met them, its not that hard to.
Jackson, we still love you..
everyone says stuff they don't mean. We just got really defensive because Kevin doesnt get the respect he deserves. The poll wasnt a smart thing to do, any true Jonas fans would have NEVER answered it anyways. So to all those who answered it, you should not be a fan. You should love all 3 boys equally.
But its all good. You didnt know fans were going to react like this.
I dont hate you Jackson, I still listen to you anyways.
&& thanks for playing WYLMITE all the time =]

Anonymous said...

people need to calm down. and i hate the jonas brothers so therefore they can all just go away.

Anonymous said...

some people are just mad over this whole thing. differnt people put these things in differnt storys and some make you sound worse then what u actually do.

so is joe

if u are hatin hit me ^ on myspace and tell me how u feel, but im gonna reply so be prepared!!!! =)

Anonymous said...

how can i get ur myspace if you didnt post it.

Anonymous said...

It's honestly sad how these fans reacted. If I were you, I wouldn't really consider them as fans. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, so why are you so different?

It was an honest mistake, and that's okay. My parents don't know that much about the Jonas Brothers but I'm not out there cussing them off because they think they should be wiped off the face of the planet.

I'm from Canada, and I got this through a friend which is a listener of yours. Don't let those comments get through you, they're just jealous that you have the guts to even ask a question like that.

Anonymous said...

jonas brothers fans werent like this way back when. Now its all teeny boppers and whatnot.
it bugs me out. lol.
but yeah i think everyones so uptight because people are always bashing jb so they slways get mad about it.
i got over that.
i know people bash them and im just like whatever think what you want, i think thier amazing.
i ignore it and half the time laugh with them lmao. even though i love those boys dearly :]

Anonymous said...

ok this is all i have to say

if you ever say anything about the jonas brothers their fans will react...BIG TIME

and im not saying that im not a fan cause honestly i know every little thing about them and love them with all my heart but especially since they have new fans now you cant even say something sarcastic cause they will go crazy and start hating. Its completely ridiculous cause i could tell you were kidding and i understood. And there are other radio stations that say way worst things. Not everyone has to love them.
Just next time you say something about "disney bands" as much as i HATE calling them that cause they are worth so much more but thats what they have turned into...dont. because you will get wacked with shit from little girls who think they are tough. They obviously are too young to understand that sometimes people are joking and are afraid to joke around about someone cause they think they will find out or some shit like that.

honestly, if i think something they do is absolutely gay and stupid i will make fun of them too. And about the whole poll thing you were just saying what the results were not your personal opinion...and i cant see how they can twist it into you want kevin dead. WOW.


Anonymous said...

lovely emails
i read them... well some of them


Anonymous said...


yet im not mad at jackson

Anonymous said...

Jackson, just take my advice.......Be carefull on teens....

Samantha said...

Terribly sorry about this. Some fans overreact. I myself, being very protective of Kevin(there are alot of people hating on him) reposted the bulletin, but did nothing else. Then I saw this, and now I'm going back to delete it. I understand why you did the poll. Again,sorry!

Chrystelle said...

hahaha fans in general make me laugh...hey are just so...childish like if the jonas bros whatever cared about their comments. And so many bad words! Haven't their mother tought them to be polite? jesus why so mad? even if jackson did say he wanted kavin dead so what? that's his oppinion and that's how life goes. people don't always have to agreeon things. it's like chris crocker vs the world. hahaha I just don't like that guy...well cheers

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing.
The poll was a wicked stupid idea.
Kevin is the least liked out of the three of them, and I know you didn't know that, so that's why the fans got mad.
And in reply to what sara said..
"you'll probably never meet these guys and if you did trust me they'd forget your name five minutes later."
I've met them multiple times and they remembered me everytime.
Even though they were months apart.

I know you didn't know how Kevin was the least liked by "fans", (notice the quotes) so I understand why you posted that, I guess, not really.

And thank you for playing them a lot. I love Kiss 108, and because you are starting to play them more and more makes me love kiss more. :)

Jonas Brothers <3.

And P.S. to some of the "fans".. type normally.
Not omgzzzzz!!1!!11! JACKS0N i HAT3U !!11!!

P.S.S. In gerenal, (not jackson) don't call the jonas brothers fans "tweens". Most of us are teenagers in high school, some in college. Their new fans are fans just because of Disney and are younger. While I've been a fan pre-disney, since 2006.

Anonymous said...

i would have to say that while the poll was definitely a bad choice, people totally needed to understand that it wasnt going to matter about anything! and also, the huge deal people made of defending the jonas brothers through cussing and being rude was totally un-needed. by being a fan, you should know that the jonas brothers are big boys and can defend themselves. also, they definitely do not support being rude. i bet they would be embarassed to find out the way their fans responded to a simple comment! i am a HUGE jonas brothers fan and totally support all of them, but people need to think a little before thrashing someone!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone actually read Jackson's post right? He only mentioned Kevin's name because he was getting the most votes. So stop saying that anyone was attacking Kevin. No one was, Jackson was just giving you guys an you guys are so quick to freak out but not mature enough to really look at the facts.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I just wanted to appologize again for over reacting about the situation. I guess I did not have the whole story and although I did send you a hate mail I did not use foul language just trying to express my anger towards the poll and not meaning to be offensive. The reason why I think people got worked up about this situation is because first of all when you say something like that without having an expliantion towards it to explain the meaning of it it looks as a pretty bad thing to do/ask people. Secondly the Jonas Brothers are looked up as role model/idols to many including me so it felt as if you were trying to be mean to them and people can get over protective about it. If you put yourself in our(some jonas brothers fans) shoes you would understand , you can not say you have never over reacted towards something in life because most likely you have as just as many others have. I think it was a big risk for you to put the poll up on your site and I think you should have explained it at least under the poll so you could have prevented the anger. That is juts my opinion.
Sincerely, Brookie

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackson, I wanted to just let you know why these fans overreacted. . . everything about these three boys are amazing and it comes down to the fact that they have never done anything to make anybody hate them. I myself am a hardcore jonas fan and was really mad when I heard about the poll. But, it wasn't right for those fans to go that far and threaten you, nobody deserves that. Im very glad you explained yourself and hopefully learned not to mess with jonas brothers fans like that. . . with that said i will continue to listen to your radio show like i always have!!

Unknown said...

Fact is: I wasn't "messing with the Jonas Brothers fans like that."

I wasn't messing with anyone. Again - it was the way you perceived it... not reality.

Oh well. Thanks to everyone who gave their opinions. They're all valid. :)

Anonymous said...

hahahahah. it's pretty obvious that half those kids at like 8 judging on the way they spell, type, and what not.

i hate the jonas brothers & miley cyrus. love you jackonnnnn!

Anonymous said...

Did you notice that every angry email sent to you had misspelled words? I love the Jonas Bros, and I saw the poll but didn't take it because, honestly, I couldn't decide who I'd make disappear...mainly because I can't tell the two older ones apart half the time. I didn't hear your comment, but I'm sure that if I had, I probably would have just laughed, because I understand your sarcasm. I think it's immature when people clip a couple of words from a sentence and make assumptions based on that. (ex. Kevin and die) Anyway, I will certainly not stop listening to your show, and you didn't lose any respect points from me.

JonasBrothersLuver9811 said...

Haha sorry Jackson, we just hate people who do that kinda stuff. Yeah, a lot of us go over the edge, so i apologize from all the fans even if they don't mean it. Thanks, by the way, for playing the song. And I was gonna call and be mean, but I couldn't get through. My friend did though, and she made the air. Haha. You're the best DJ ever Jackson.

Anonymous said...

orry DJ but that was the stupest thing u ever did. i accept ur apology to us obsessive jonas brothers fans but you are serioiusly a stupid asshole! that poll wasnt funny at all! me and my fellow jonas brothers fans love them more then annything in the world. i talk about them 24/7 i listen to there music 24/7 i watch videos and look at pictures of them 24/7 and you making a stupid poll like this and then telling us THAT WE TAKE THINGS TO SERIOUSLY gets me mad! your a dumbass for making that poll, dont sayy that we overreacte cause we dont! and sara, who posted the 2nd comment, im friggen 13, my harmones arent "out of wack" and i will never forget about the jonas brothers or laugh about how i defended them. DJ and Sara im sorry but you guys are fucking assholes!

Anonymous said...

If I could, I'd just like to appologize for all us jonas fans.
We can be vicious but it's only because we love our boys. I swear to you that we ARE normally really nice, but Kevin, Joe, And Nick all mean a lot to us so it probably just hit hard and it was instinct to attack. I really am sorry, I'm sure we all are.
PLEASE dont hold it against the Jonas Brothers. Thank you. I really really am sorry for what we put you through.


louisebotting945 said...

I love reading peoples over reacted posts...its not like you personaly know them so why do you care so much?

Anonymous said...

Omg i could not agree with you more. I mean I am a die hard Jonas fan and yeah i think that poll was stupid, but come on people take things SOOO seriously. And its so sickening to see people use such horrible language on someone they have never met. I don't listen to your show so I don't know what kind of person you are but I'm sure you are not any of the names people called you. You made an EXCELLENT point about how we are giving ourselves a bad name by flipping out like that. Well I don't want to ramble but I just wanted to say that coming from a diehard almost 16 year old jb fan of a year and a half, you are 100% right and I hope people get the message.

kAEdo-k said...

The Jonas Brothers don't have to die. Their music will be doing that in a matter of months.

Hellllooooooo Summer Pop Music!!!

Anonymous said...

mostly new Jonas fans freak out cause they are hard core and cant really take a joke at all they when it comes to JB (not that I'm saying that you should single out one jobro)buts honestly its not like Kevin would have really disapeared...their fans are literally cazy going to concerts and fist fighting over "who joe looked at" or who gets to keep Kevins water bottle and its a shame they have to be so rude cause it makes the normal fans look bad wasn't like this back in the day .. the teeny boppers make the older fans not even wan't to go to their concerts aymore

Octopussy said...

I don't even use Myspace. What a shithole that place is. Anyway, I saw this amongst your many other lovely stories, (love the shot at Blake Fielder-Civil; personally I think he's uglier than a mud fence) and decided to drop you a line. I'm the head editor/writer at Could you please contact me via email at some point?

We'd love to trade links, share banners, etc., with your site.

To get on with my comment, the Jonas Brothers all suck. And I don't know anyone who's even heard a Miley Cyrus song. It seems like total traitorism to even like Billy Ray Cyrus' kid, seeing as how he was so god damn awesome.

Celebrity kids have no talent, they play the connection and money hand every time. Look no further than Kelly Osbourne and her absolutely fugly appearance. Gross.

Anonymous said...

OMG I am soooo sorry about what some of these girls said. Gosh, I can't believe it. And 2 all the girls who wrote those e-mails!!! IT'S CALLED A LIFE GET ONE!! I mean if u had a life you wouldn't have time to e-mail someone something you may no nothing about. I MEAN REALLY!!! If i sent this to the jonas brothers they my get upset and mandy(the one from the song) maybe sad about all this. I mean i understand Kevin is the bomb and some girls don't like him cause he is already and adult. But I mean really get a life!!

Anonymous said...

ok. i lovelovelove the jonas bros. so what? you made a poll. people who send you hate mall have serious problems. it was a thing called SARCASM. GET OVER IT!

Anonymous said...


But whatever like get over it these kids need a life. Bring more news about miley.

Anonymous said...

Yes. i understand where u r coming from with this poll thing. and yes i think most people used bad language when not needed. but u also have to understand that there r MANY haters out there. I for 1 have to deal with them everyday. im 14(almost 15) and i truely love them they have changed my life. they made me realize how much i really do love writing and singing music. and thats y i support them soo much. but at my school in PA, there are MANY haters.. i am always defending my opinion. while yes, i do respect others opinions but there is also a line from opinions and trash talk. In

Short.. Thanks for clearing everything up. and i for 1 understand that u were just playing around, even though yes i did repost a bulletin of it. but only because the the original poster made it sound so bad. Im sorry for getting mislead. I truely respect what u r doing for the boys :]

Anonymous said...

ayyyyyyyy so, let me just tell you Jackson Blue! That was very nice of you to apologize to all those JoBro fans that misunderstood your letter... that was very good of you. i listen to you all the tiime. i actually think you're quite funny and i love sarcasm. i use it all the tiime. people really do need to be less serious. the whole personal jojo slam against miley was just NOT right but i get your sarcasm. anyyyywayyssss. . . THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOO STINKIN' MUCH for playin' the boys on the radio and helpiin spread their music... I LOVE HEARIN THEM ON YOUR STATION!!!! when i fall asleep i have my radio on, on Kiss108 and i could be soo close to falling asleep and then i hear the song.. and i wake right up! thaaaaaaaanks for playing them.... and, well, just asking, but could you play them moree? that'd be awesome. well yeah. JONAS BROTHERS ARE ROCKIN' and NOBODY EVER would want to have somebody diie. Unless you were some siick, twisted, freak, with no life. and that is NOT Jackson!!!!!!!! =)peace!

jblove94xo said...

i think its mean what u did and dont ever do it again.. all the jonas brothers are great u cant pick between them, and it probablly hurt there feelings when they heard fans wanted them to die!.. so never ever ever do it again!! and since ur not a girl u dont know how seroiulsy we take things that are important to us! and we do have a life thanx for asking!!

jblove94xo said...

i think its mean what u did and dont ever do it again.. all the jonas brothers are great u cant pick between them, and it probablly hurt there feelings when they heard fans wanted them to die!.. so never ever ever do it again!! and since ur not a girl u dont know how seroiulsy we take things that are important to us! and we do have a life thanx for asking!!

Anonymous said...

my friend was the one who started the bulletin. she apoligizes and we called you and apoligized and thanked you for playing the jonas brothers so much =) thanks for putting me on the air

Anonymous said...

haha =)

i got SO mad when you said that
i was walking into a restaurant and heard what you said

it legit ruined my night
i was so mad

but now its okay !



thanks for giving me this amazing opportunity !
love jb

Anonymous said...

Um.... This Doent Fix Anything.. U Messed Up..... Fans Are Ober Protective About The JOnas Brother, Because They Deserve Us, They Deserve The Best Fans In The WOrld, Simply Because They Are Amazing. If You Are Going To Do Something Nasty To An Artist, Do It To An Artist/Group Who Deserves It! Thsi Doesnt Clear Anything Up.. And Yes, I Do Hate You.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I'm absolutely appalled at what some people said. I hate that people that have no sense of humor what-so-ever would go off and post something like that without clarification. That bugs me. And true fans wouldn't have done that. People should really take a look at things before they go off assuming. I cannot believe that people would give away all their dignity away as simple as that. They're giving us TRUE Jonas fans a bad name, and I'm really upset to be put in the same category as them. So, I apoligize for all of the trouble those people caused you.

<3Morgan, Texas.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how all these girls take it so seriously. And how quick they were to react to something they heard wrong. I read the emails you got, and I think before they go a start yelling at you for shit, they should learn how to spell first. I think the poll was just an innocent thing of fun, no need for people to get all worked up over it.

and to erica...if all you do is listen to their music, talk about them and watch their videos 24/7, I think you need to broaden your horizons.

Brittany from Haverhill

Anonymous said...

Well i really think that the fans overreacted...but i am a wicked big JB fan....and i think that they reacted like that cuz the boys are put down so much...but now wen people are puttin them down i just think of it this way, they are just jealous og=f all of the boys sucess...
~peace love jonas

Anonymous said...

its not like they really are going to dissapear forever.. geez haha i am a huge jb fan n i was pissed and mad for the first few minutes then i said hey it wont happen so yeah./ haha :) we love you jackson <3

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Anonymous said...

In biology, sex is [URL=]arab woman sex[/url]
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inherit traits from both parents. Gametes can be identical in form and function (known as isogametes), but in many cases an asymmetry has evolved [URL=]gay black sex tubes[/url]
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gametes are termed hermaphroditic. Frequently, physical differences are associated with the different sexes of an organism; these sexual dimorphisms can reflect the different reproductive pressures the sexes experience.
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