Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Aretha Franklin Feels Dis-R-E-S-P-E-C-T-ed by Beyonce

Aretha is pissed at Beyonce for calling Tina Turner "the queen" during her intro of Turner at the Grammys on Sunday. Beyonce's introduction went like this:

"There is one legend who has the essence of all of those things: the glamour, the soul, the passion, the strength, the talent. Ladies and gentlemen. Stand on your feet and give it up for the queen."

The reaction, straight from Franklin's mouth:

"I am not sure of whose toes I may have stepped on or whose ego I may have bruised between the Grammy writers and Beyonce, however, I dismissed it as a cheap shot for controversy."

Controversy??? And no disrespect to Ms. Franklin, but nowadays she's about as relevant as a word processor.

And by the way, when I think of who the real queen is - I don't think of Tina Turner OR Aretha Franklin. I think more of:

"Leave Beyonce alone, Urethra!!! Leave Beyonce alooooone!!!"

Oh yeah and this queen too:

I know what you're doing in your spare time, Bert. (Or should I say "Bertha?")


louisebotting945 said...

HAHAHAH chris crocker! i think that dude/girl is awesome
and who cares if beyonce disrespected aretha franklin.

Anonymous said...

fricken youtube deleted his account but he made a new one so i think its all good.
and yes, he is a queen.

Anonymous said...

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