Sunday, September 30, 2007

Who IS this - Madonna or Hillary Clinton?

I believe they are doppelgangers. Soooo if Hillary Clinton becomes president, she could throw kickass concerts, dress up in a wedding dress and roll around on stage then make out with Britney Spears on stage.

Madonna looks fit and all. But look at all that extra empty skin. She looks like a mix of Hillary Clinton... and a shar pei... or a deflating Macy's Day Parade balloon.

(Click the picture for a better look and you'll see what I'm saying.)


kAEdo-k said...

Madge is looking a little famished. You know what would satisfy her? A good album. She hasn't had one of those since Capt'n Lou Albano was in her videos.

Unknown said...

Oh, it's Madonna! Oops, I thought that it was a photo of that beef jerky they sell in gas stations. My bad.