Wednesday, September 5, 2007

FIRST LOOK of Tom Brady's Baby!!!

OK Fine so you can't exactly SEE the baby... but... rest assured that little John Edward Thomas is in there somewhere. Also rest assured he's definitely NOT sporting a "supermodel" onesie!

By the way I never thought it was a tacky gift until right now. There was so much coverage on all the blogs that Gisele sent Bridget the onsie with the word "supermodel" sprawled across the front of it, and how she was a horrible human being for sending it to her. I thought it was a bit of an over-reaction. I mean, she DID send it in a basket filled with A THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of baby stuff. I think with that much in there, you can excuse a $15.00 cheesy onesie. I mean... it's better than "I may be in a diaper, but I'm in charge" and some of the other lame-o onesies that're customary.

BUT I forgot one thing... he's a boy. "Supermodel" is a tad tacky. Unless he's wearing a feather boa as an accessory. Then it's cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. thats big