Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gwyneth Paltrow is an idiot

Want proof (aside from thinking Madonna is a reincarnation of God) that Gwyneth Paltrow is a total dumbass? Apparently, she's opened a chain of gyms (which I didn't even know about...go ahead and call me a horrible celebrity blogger) and decided to charge an easy membership fee $4,500 per year. Mix a crappy economy with a total Moy-tard owner, and it's no wonder that her chain is in jeopardy of having to close.

Because really, here's what goes through peoples' minds when they're about to sign up. "Hmm...pay $4,500 a year at Gwyneth's gym, or $15 a month at the Planet Fitness down the road. Yeah, peace out, Paltrow."

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