Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fans want to know -- why 1-866-IDOLS-36??

For the first time ever, American Idol has a Top 13 instead of a Top 12. For the last 7 years that Idol has been in existence, the voting lines have always ranged from 1-866-IDOLS-01 to 1-866-IDOLS-12, one line for each of the 12 contestants. So it would make sense to just have the 13th contestant this year use 1-866-IDOLS-13, right? WRONG. That number is actually a phone sex hotline number, where callers can have "nasty talk with real students, housewives, and working girls all over the country" for $1.99 to $3.99 per minute. So that's why Alexis Grace's number last night was 1-866-IDOLS-36, and why Ryan kept saying "36" over and over and urged everyone to dial REAL carefully because they "had to find an available line."

So, don't be surprised if you see Alexis voted off tonight, because I guarantee you that at least half the country had phone sex by accident last night.

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