Joe Biden's daughter loves her some blow. (fried)
Nick Cannon proves he's Mariah's bitch. (smack)
Ashton Kutcher kisses Demi's ass. (agentbedhead)
Holy bad outfits at the Nick Kids' Choice Awards, Batman! (ayyyy)
Tila Tequila rips celebs apart on Twitter. LOVE IT. (POTP)
Josh Hartnett rushed to the hospital! (gabby)
The economic crisis hits Jennifer Garner in the panties! (bitten)
Shawn Michaels wants Bret Hart to induct him into the WWE Hall of Fame? (wrestling)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Vice President's daughter "powders her nose"...and MORE!!!
Posted by
7:31 AM
Labels: ashley biden, ashton kutcher, demi moore, jennifer garner, joe biden, josh hartnett, Kids' Choice Awards, mariah carey, nick cannon, tila tequila, wrestling
Michael Jackson will attend Jade Goody's funeral

Michael Jackson is planning on attending the funeral of British Big Brother star Jade Goody. Jade died last week after a rough battle with cancer. Just days before that, we reported that doctors didn't give her much time left. Michael said that Jade's story really touched him, and he wants to be at the funeral to show his respect for her. He's also told Jade's family that he'll help them in any way he can if they need it.
I know I've shat on Michael before, but I'm officially back on the Team Michael bandwagon. Kiddie touching aside, he seems like a nice (albeit weird, but nice) guy, and I can't wait to hear more music from him. Of course, I hope it doesn't suck ass like U2's new album.
Posted by
7:21 AM
Labels: jade goody, michael jackson
LeAnn Rimes offered a free membership to a website

Doesn't seem like a big deal, right? LeAnn Rimes is a country superstar and all that jazz, so it's not really a big deal or a surprise if she's offered a free lifetime membership to a website, right? Well, when it's a website for cheaters, it is. has offered LeAnn a free lifetime membership after hearing about her affair with co-star Eddie Cibrian. Ashley Madison offers discrete affairs to their members.
Again, just another case of celebrities being absolutely brainless when it comes to cheating. Although, I'd die laughing if she actually accepted the membership.
Posted by
7:09 AM
Labels: cheating, leann rimes
More details on Shawn Johnson's stalker

We didn't post the story about Shawn Johnson having a stalker on the set of Dancing with the Stars last week since I took a mental health week, but you've all heard the story by now. Some guy thought the 17-year-old gymnast was the love of his life and supposed to have his babies, and when he was arrested his car was searched and a couple of guns, some rope and duct tape were found. Shawn feared her life, and rightfully so, but it turns out the cast of DWTS didn't tell the other contestants about the stalker. The first time they heard about the stalker was when the info was released to the media. Apparently, producers felt the other contestants were safe because the guy only wanted Shawn.
Quite frankly, that's pretty bogus. If I'm a contestant on the show and there's some creepy ass guy who is stalking fellow contestants, I want to know. Either way, whether he only wanted Shawn or not, he's still a frickin nut job, and I like to know about nut jobs that are around me!
Posted by
6:54 AM
Labels: creepy stalkers, dancing with the stars, shawn johnson
Hayden Panettiere wants a big family

Hayden Panettiere has come out and said that when she eventually settles down and gets married, she'd love to have four kids with her husband. She pointed out her Italian roots and said that's what makes her want to have a big family.
Hey I'm all for big families, but good luck finding a guy to settle down with if you're as bitchy as you sound from stories we've heard and posted.
Posted by
6:47 AM
Labels: hayden panettiere
AnnaLynne McCord gets wasted

Nothing like being totally classy (not) while you're out with your co-workers. The cast of 90210 ended up going out to a nightclub for a wrap party to celebrate the end of the first season of the show. While they were there, AnnaLynne McCord got absolutley sh*tfaced and stumbled out of the nightclub at the end of the night and was all over the streets.
To her credit, she did have a Designated Driver. And it's not entirely her fault -- I mean, she's like 50 pounds soaking wet, it probably takes her 2 sips of booze to get wasted!
Posted by
6:38 AM
Labels: 90210, annalynne mccord
Is Simon leaving American Idol?

Bad news for you American Idol fans. Simon Cowell may be leaving the show. Now, nothing's been confirmed but Simon has said that he's insanely burnt out between all of the work he does. Right now, he's working on Idol, The X Factor, and Britain's Got Talent. He said all of the work is just too much "pressure" and that "something may have to give."
I honestly think if he left a show, he'd end up leaving Britain's Got Talent. I feel like Idol put him on the map in the States, and The X Factor put him on the map across the pond. Plus, Idol will die without Simon.
Posted by
6:30 AM
Labels: American Idol, simon cowell
Is Nick Cannon struggling to pay off Mariah's engagement ring?

Rumors about Nick Cannon struggling to pay off the engagement ring he bought for Mariah Carey have been all over the place, but Nick is setting the record straight, in his own stuck up way. The story is that Nick is being sued for $500,000 by the jewelry store where he bought the ring after failing to make payments on it, but he said that's "ridiculous" because the ring cost way more than that.
3 words: What. A. Douche.
Posted by
6:04 AM
Labels: mariah carey, nick cannon
Leonardo DiCaprio tells Zac Efron to try cocaine?

Oh it's true, it's damn true! Leo DiCaprio DID tell Zac Efron to "try cocaine" -- but it's not like it sounds. Zac was getting advice from Leo, and Leo told him to "try cocaine" if he wanted to mess everything up, because that was pretty much the only way Leo thinks that Zac could mess up his career at this point.
Zac kinda reminds me of a younger Leo. Ya know, around the time everyone was saying Leo was bisexual and all that. (Let that one marinate for a few.)
Posted by
5:53 AM
Labels: leonardo dicaprio, zac efron
The Brangelina drama gets worse!

Oh man...relationships are on the rocks all over the place!! Apparently, Angelina Jolie is still so pissed off at Brad Pitt for giving their nanny a backrub that she's not even staying at the house anymore! We reported yesterday that they had been sleeping in separate rooms, but turns out Angie decided to just up and leave to go live in a nearby hotel while Brad's at home with the kids. And it's taking a strain on her professional life, too. Producers and directors had to pull her off the set of her new film to have a chat about her well-being.
Somewhere, Jennifer Aniston is sipping on wine with a huge smile on her face.
Posted by
5:44 AM
Labels: angelina jolie, brad pitt
Mr. JT and Jessica on the rocks?!

OH SNAP!! Justin Timberlake is telling Jessica Biel to move out of their NYC apartment that they got just a few months ago! Justin and Jess are on the rocks because of Justin's wandering eye, but Jess is holding out hope that she can change JT's ways before they take a trip down the aisle.
Umm...problem, Jess. You guys aren't even engaged yet. And Justin even said it recently on Oprah. Of course, I'm the class-less guy crossing my fingers for a break-up so that there's some shot in the dark that I could be Mr. Jessica Biel. Time to hit the gym...
Posted by
5:36 AM
Labels: jessica biel, justin timberlake
Madonna steals a Malawian child?

Madonna is in the middle of a process to adopt a second child from Malawi, but it's not all roses and buttercups like the first one. The adoption attempt has been delayed until Friday, so that a judge can have a closed-door hearing on Madonna's application. The girl she's trying to adopt, Chifundo James, is about 4 years old and parentless (obviously why Madge is trying to adopt her) -- her mother died shortly after her birth, and her father hasn't really been around. Her grandmother Lucy is super pissed off though, saying that Madonna trying to take Chifundo is "stealing." She's telling Madonna to go pick another girl, because she won't let Chifundo go.
I'm on Team Grandma-dukes, here. Only because Madonna is a frickin nut job and really only adopting these kids to look good in the media, I think.
Posted by
5:26 AM
Labels: madonna
Monday, March 30, 2009
Candy Spelling isn't sweet to her daughter...and MORE!!!
Yummmm...I'm in the mood for some Deep Fried Whatever -- from that guy who brought you celebrity news polls!! (fried)
Tori Spelling's mom still hates her. (smack)
Madonna adopts another Malawi kid. (stork)
Kathy Griffin looks like an ugly ass cupcake. (ayyyy)
Britney's dad trying to shut down Britney's #1 fan site. (POTP)
Kids' Choice Awards results! NICKELODEON RULES!! (gabby)
Tim Allen is Daddy Toolman! (bitten)
Kevin Nash says Scott Hall isn't doing well. (wrestling)
Posted by
8:48 AM
Labels: britney spears, candy spelling, jamie spears, kathy griffin, Kids' Choice Awards, madonna, tim allen, tori spelling, wrestling
Hunter Tylo getting married?

For those of you who don't know who Hunter Tylo is, she stars on the soap opera (insert gag here) The Bold and the Beautiful. It turns out that she is engaged to her longtime boyfriend Corey Cofield. Sounds all roses and buttercups, right? It would be if Hunter didn't get a restraining order out on him about 10 months ago because she feared for her life. He's been accused of domestic abuse by a crapload of other women, but Hunter feels like she's safe because he'll never be violent again.
Yeah...she's living in a dream world. I'm surprised she hasn't been beaten by him already, unless she has and it's just underwraps.
Posted by
8:24 AM
Labels: corey cofield, domestic abuse, engagements, hunter tylo
Say bye bye to Barbara!

Barbara Walters has decided that it's time to retire. The 79-year-old said that when her contract for The View runs out at the end of the summer, she's not going to renew it because she's burnt out and just wants to relax. Can't say I blame her -- I feel like she's been going non-stop pretty much her whole life. I know she has been for mine...I remember her on 20/20 with Hugh Downs WAY back in the day when I was a kid, and she was doing stuff before that too.
Question is, Barbara always seemed like the main player on The View. Which of the ladies is going to fill in the "leader" shoes, and who will replace her on the show overall? Could we see the return of Rosie?!
Posted by
8:12 AM
Labels: barbara walters, the view
Robert Pattinson stinks

I don't mean he's a horrible actor or a sucky person -- I don't really know him and I haven't seen Twilight. BUT...Robert Pattinson stinks. Literally. He's been driving the cast of New Moon crazy but he has mega B.O. and actually said he hates to shower.
How much you wanna bet Dakota Fanning goes Diva on his ass and tweaks on him?
Posted by
7:48 AM
Labels: robert pattinson
Jennifer Aniston gives up on love

Poor Jennifer Aniston...she's lost all hope on finding someone to spend the rest of her life with. She said that since she divorced Brad Pitt, she's been looking for someone good enough to fill his shoes, but she's striking out. It's gotten to the point where she said she's realizing that no one will ever replace Brad, and she's swearing off marriage.
Poor girl, you can't help but feel bad for her. And I can't help but reiterate how single and classy I am...
Posted by
7:32 AM
Labels: jennifer aniston
Juliette Lewis skanks it up a bit

This makes me want to see Juliette Lewis in concert because she just sounds so unpredictable. While she was performing on stage over the weekend, she flubbed up the lyrics to YMCA. So what did she do after the mess up? Clearly the most logical thing -- walked over to singer Justin Tratner (who happens to be a cross dresser) and shoves her tongue down his throat. Then she hopped on the mic and said, "I just made out with the blond male Grace Jones!"
Posted by
7:09 AM
Labels: juliette lewis
Is Mariah Carey pregnant?

Mariah Carey may be knocked up!! She went on a shopping spree over the weekend and ended up dropping a good chunk of change ($200,000 to be exact) on a pink crib, a highchair, and other furniture from a kid's store. On top of that, she's apparently been eyeing a new house and is planning on having an all-pink nursery.
Sounds like someone knows what kind of baby is gonna pop out of her mommy spot in 9 months...
Posted by
6:56 AM
Labels: mariah carey, nick cannon
Sean Penn cheats on his wife!

Recent Oscar winner Sean Penn....well, he's just dumb. Honestly, you'd think Hollywood stars would be smarter if they were gonna screw around on their spouses. Sean went out to dinner with Natalie Portman, then the 2 disappeared for about 45 minutes. But when they left, they were seen heading over to the area that goes to the spa and private rooms. When they came back, they were seen shoving each other's tongues down each other's throats.
Who knew Natalie was such a hussy? And seriously,'re always in the public eye. Be smart about cheating! Or..ya know..just don't do it?
Posted by
6:46 AM
Labels: natalie portman, sean penn
Brangelina sleeping in separate rooms!

Brad Pitt is totally screwed. Remember a couple of weeks ago when we reported that Angelina walked in on him rubbing his nanny's shoulders? Well, sucka is STILL in the dog house over it. Angie won't even let him sleep in the same bed as her -- not even in the same room!!
In Brad's defense, I really think he was just being nice. I don't think he has or planned on sleeping with the nanny, but still...what an idiot to give her a back rub in his house with his wife home!! Dummy!!
Posted by
6:28 AM
Labels: angelina jolie, brad pitt
Mickey Rourke engaged?

While he was in Russia filming Iron Man 2, Mickey Rourke apparently popped the question to a lovely Russian chick. The chick I speak of was Russian boxer-turned-singer Irson Kudikova.
Now don't get me wrong, a girl that can fight is kinda hot (I refer you to my crush on MMA hottie Gina Carano), but I'm pretty sure Mickey just had diarhhea of the mouth when he proposed, and when Irson realizes this, she's probably gonna wanna through a haymaker at him. Mickey = screwed.
Posted by
6:16 AM
Labels: engagements, mickey rourke
Teeny boppers scare Robert Pattinson

Apparently there's been so many teenage girls crashing the set of the filming for the second movie in the Twilight series, New Moon, that Robert Pattinson has had to hire Mounties (those are Canadian police, friends) to protect him from getting bum-rushed by the crowds of chicks that reek of statutory.
Lucky for Robert, the Mounties ALWAYS get their man. (Old school wrestling fans will get that reference.)

Posted by
5:37 AM
Labels: robert pattinson
Jenny McCarthy is a monster in the sack

Seriously, this isn't even me pushing the envelope like I usually do or being sexual. But Jenny McCarthy is a dynamo under the sheets, but unfortunately I'm not telling you this from first-hand experience it. Her ex-husband John Asher is though, and he straight up said that he's jealous that Jim Carrey must be having the best sex of his life because Jenny is apparently into threesomes, lesbianism, and lots of stuff that "no other woman would be willing to try."
Hmm...I'd say that's a step up from Renee Zellweger and her "I just ate a lemon/I gotta poop" face. I picture her to be a total prude.
Posted by
5:29 AM
Labels: jenny mccarthy, nymphomaniac
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Okay...vacation time.
And I hope you all do, too. Kloveyoubye.
Posted by
5:09 AM
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sorry, I suck ass. (Not literally...that'd be kinda gross)
Posted by
5:40 AM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mary Kate Olsen gets her vampire on...and MORE!!!
Jenna Jameson gives birth to twins! Doctors said they've never seen 2 babies slide out so easy. (smack)
Candy Kirby says goodbye to celeb blogging. BUT...follow her on The Laughing Stork! (candy)
Here's a gift for the ADD fans -- a sparkly dress with pockets! (ayyyy)
Is Mary Kate Olsen trying to land a role in the Twilight series? (POTP)
Get ready for Meltdown Britney v2.0! (gabby)
Taylor Swift rocks her "girl next door" look on a couple mag covers. (bitten)
Painkillers and steroids found in Andrew "Test" Martin's home. (wrestling)
Posted by
7:26 AM
Labels: andrew "test" martin, britney spears, jenna jameson, kevin federline, mary kate olsen, taylor swift, twilight, wrestling
Kirsten Dunst not on board for Spiderman 4?

Director Sam Raimi said the fourth installment to the Spiderman series is a go, now that Sony has slated the release date for May 6, 2011. He said the story just needs to be written, the stars need to be secured and they need to shoot it. He said Tobey Maguire is on board again to play Peter Parker, but Kirsten Dunst hasn't signed on yet to continue her role as Mary Jane Watson. Sam isn't worried though, and said he's sure that she'll sign on for the movie.
How amazingly douchebaggish would Kirsten look if she didn't sign on for the rest of the series? You know what? I say screw her...Megan Fox would be a LOVELY replacement.
Posted by
7:19 AM
Labels: kirsten dunst, spiderman
MacGyver hitting the big screen!!

In a real throwback to my childhood (ages 2-9, if you were wondering), MACGYVER IS HITTING THE BIG SCREEN!! MacGyver was only the COOLEST show ever on TV at that time (well, next to Perfect Strangers). It starred Richard Dean Anderson as MacGyver, a guy who could make a nuclear bomb out of a paperclip, chewing gum, and a fart and followed him in his adventures trying to save people and things and what not. Either way, I'm jacked up that this is hitting the big screen. Just to re-live my childhood a bit, I'm posting the opening MacGyver theme below. Enjoy!!
Posted by
7:06 AM
Hulkster watches Brooke-tini pole dance

Listen, I don't want to start any rumors, but something has crossed my mind and I'm just going to say it. I think it's possible that there's a little incest going on between Hulk Hogan and his daughter Brooke. Now I'm not saying they're actually doing anything sexual, but I think Hulk has a crush on his daughter. Or thoroughly enjoys her body. There was that pic last year where he was seen rubbing oil on his Brooke's ass, and now the other day, he watched Brooke pole dance. For a father who used to get pissed off when his daughter went out of the house in a skirt (at least that's how he acted on Hogan Knows Best), I wouldn't expect him to watch his daughter dance and grind on a pole. But he was in attendance for Brooke's performance at the Ocho Calle Latin festival in Miami over the weekend watch his daughter go all stripper for the audience.
For the record, I was going to post all the pics of her from the festival, but I figured this one, horrid shot was going to do enough damage to your retinas.
Posted by
6:53 AM
Labels: brooke hogan, hulk hogan
Kate Bosworth may be single

The UK's Daily Mail is reporting that Kate Bosworth may have dumped her British model boyfriend James Rousseau because he wasn't willing to move to L.A. with her to "accommodate her work schedule." This hasn't been confirmed or denied, but if it's true, James is a total idiot.
Then again, why is Kate making James pick up his life and move it across the pond? Why doesn't Kate up and move to England? Ohhhh the drama of a Hollywood relationship.
Posted by
6:42 AM
Labels: james rousseau, kate bosworth
BREAKING NEWS: Natasha Richardson in critical condition
Posted by
6:36 AM
Labels: natasha richardson
Gwyneth Paltrow is an idiot

Want proof (aside from thinking Madonna is a reincarnation of God) that Gwyneth Paltrow is a total dumbass? Apparently, she's opened a chain of gyms (which I didn't even know about...go ahead and call me a horrible celebrity blogger) and decided to charge an easy membership fee $4,500 per year. Mix a crappy economy with a total Moy-tard owner, and it's no wonder that her chain is in jeopardy of having to close.
Because really, here's what goes through peoples' minds when they're about to sign up. " $4,500 a year at Gwyneth's gym, or $15 a month at the Planet Fitness down the road. Yeah, peace out, Paltrow."
Posted by
6:29 AM
Labels: gwyneth paltrow
Jesus Luz living with Madonna

I have a theory, and my theory is that Madonna and Jesus Luz are not banging. Okay, well, Madonna seems sick enough in the head to be banging him, but I don't think they're dating at all. Not even after news of Jesus moving in with Madonna was made public. Not only that, but she's apparently cooking all of his meals and taking him to Kabbalah classes.
I'm telling you, they're not dating. Madonna is probably just treating this kid like her son, maybe because she hates that her actual kids have Guy Ritchie's blood in them. But I guarantee you she's being more motherly than girlfriendish. But like I said, I bet they're still bumping uglies.
Posted by
6:23 AM
More fighting for LiLo and SamRo

Ya know, soon enough there's gonna be a time where I just don't write about these fights anymore because they're so common. But apparently the last fight Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson got into was a big one. They got in a fight at their house that actually got so heated, it led to a broken window. The cops were called by neighbors but when they arrived, Linds and Sam refused to open the door for them.
Please, please, PLEASE someone catch one of these fights on camera. Preferably with clothing be torn off. Thank you.
Posted by
6:15 AM
Labels: lindsay lohan, samantha ronson
Bob Barker - Porn Star?!?!?

Holy crap!! Bob Barker was almost a porn star!! Apparently back when he wasn't wearing Depends, Bob was actually a pretty good looking and jacked guy. He did some modeling and while he was posing as a gas station attendant once, he caught the attention of some people in the porn industry and was offered a role in a XXX movie! He turned it down then went on to host The Price is Right, but...can you imagine if Bob's famous line was still "Come on down!"
Posted by
6:07 AM
Labels: bob barker, porn
More proof that Lil' Wayne sucks

I just found this super hilarious. Lil' Wayne is scheduled to perform at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, RI later on tonight, and apparently they're beefing up security for the show. Now, whether they did that because they think a bunch of gang bangers are gonna go and shoot up the joint, or they're worried about Lil' Wayne himself packing heat (like he did in Boston last October) isn't known to me, but either way, I just think it's hilarious because Lil' Wayne is a scumbag.
Maybe he'll leave his piece at home this time so he can walk through the metal detector to perform. Dumbass.
Posted by
5:57 AM
Labels: lil wayne
Danny Masterson is engaged!

Congrats goes out to former That 70s Show star Danny Masterson and his girlfriend of 3 1/2 years, actress Bijou Phillips, for deciding to get hitched! Danny proposed to Bijou on Saturday and she accepted, but no date has been set yet. They actually just wrapped up filming a couple of movies together -- Made for Each Other and The Bridge to Nowhere.
Congrats and good luck!
Posted by
5:54 AM
Labels: bijou philips, danny masterson, engagements
Jessica Simpson botches her final show

Country fans in Irvine, CA were treated to one of Jessica Simpson's bang-up botch jobs over the weekend on the final show of her run with the Rascal Flatts' Bob That Head Tour. She had to restart 2 separate songs after totally flubbing the lyrics. When she went to bust out Remember That, the second hit off of her debut country album, she forgot the opening lines, telling the crowd she, "said whiskey too early! I messed up! I'm so embarrassed! But I'm starting over again because I really want you guys to hear the lyrics the right way!"
She did the same thing to the opening lines in Still Don't Stop Me, telling the crowd that she "messed up again! I do this all the time!"
If she messes up during her concert all the time and has to restart songs all the time, I have NO desire to go see her live. Unless I'm trashed. And she's in daisy dukes.
Posted by
5:39 AM
Labels: jessica simpson
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Sheen twins arrive...and MORE!!!
Got a case of the Mondays? Take some celeb polls! (celeb news)
Jade Goody close to losing her battle with cervical cancer. (smack)
Here's the skinny on LiLo's arrest warrant! (candy)
Jamie Kennedy is in love with Jennifer Love Hewitt. (POTP)
Matt Damon confirms that there's more Bourne! (gabby)
My birthday twin Charlie Sheen's twins are here! (bitten)
Jim Ross goes to the hospital, Rey Mysterio injured?! (wrestling)
Posted by
7:53 AM
Labels: brooke mueller, charlie sheen, jade goody, jamie kennedy, jennifer love hewitt, lindsay lohan, matt damon, wrestling
Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem split up?

It's looking like Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem have called it quits. The first clue was at the Oscars when Javier was nowhere in sight to help her celebrate her win for Best Supporting Actress. He was also nowhere to be seen during a party that her friends threw for her to celebrate. And recently, Javier celebrated his 40th birthday and Penelope wasn't there for it.
Sounds like their relationship is ka-putz!! Or should I es bueno.
Posted by
7:46 AM
Labels: javier bardem, penelope cruz
Paris Hilton wants in New Moon

Now it makes sense why she's been verbally sucking off Robert Pattinson. Paris Hilton said she wants to be in the next movie of the Twilight series, New Moon. She's sick of everyone just thinking she's a big joke (for the record, I think she's a huge whore, not a joke) and wants to be taken seriously as an actress. She thinks she'd be perfect to play one of the vampires, but would even play a victim because she wants in so bad.
Honestly...I kinda think Paris would make a hot vampire. Then again, I have a thing for vampires so your 400-pound Aunt Bertha could probably be a hot vampire to me.
Posted by
7:14 AM
Labels: paris hilton, twilight
Speaking of Brangelina...

Brad Pitt crossed the line with Angelina Jolie and got a sweet smack in the face for it. Apparently, Angie walked in on Brad giving their nanny a backrub, which is a big no-no. So she went all Mr. and Mrs. Smith on him and smacked him around a bit, then fired the nanny.
You're dating one of the hottest women on the planet, and feel the need to give a nanny a backrub? Really?
Posted by
7:09 AM
Labels: angelina jolie, brad pitt
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has an imaginary friend

The only reason I'm posting this story is so I can throw in my zinger of a line at the end. But apparently Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has an imaginary friend named Amy who she likes better than her 10,000 other actual siblings.
I bet you anything Angelina is hoping that they're not playing If You Seek Amy. (If no one gets that joke, stop coming to this site.)
Posted by
7:02 AM
Labels: shiloh jolie-pitt
Jennifer Aniston doesn't feel the economic recession

I'm not sure I believe this entirely, so take it for what it's worth. People are saying that Jennifer Aniston spends a sh*tload of money in a really short span of time to fill the void of being single and childless at the age of 40. That obviously contradicts what she said just last week in a UK magazine about there being no one true love for someone.
Of course, if it IS true and she wants to throw a few bucks my way, I won't say no.
Posted by
6:47 AM
Labels: jennifer aniston
Robert Pattinson dating Megan Fox?
Posted by
6:41 AM
Labels: megan fox, robert pattinson
Katy Perry in Esquire magazine

Katy Perry hits up the new Esquire magazine (looking totally sexy, by the way), and touches on a bunch of topics during her interview.
On Her Dream Outfit/Performance: "I always wanted to suspend from the ceiling in a twirling banana. I'm going to be inside the banana. So the banana drops into a fruit bowl with the other sparkling, glorious fruit, and their tops pop off and dancers come out and help peel me out of the banana. I have a fascination with fruit."
On Her Aspirations and the Media: "I'd like to say I'd like to be as big as a Gwen or a Madonna, but I think those days of achieving that level are over. The media is bringing everybody down.
On the Paparazzi: "I don't ever do anything to try and bring it upon myself. There are ten thousand other restaurants besides the Ivy. I'm not obsessed with getting my picture taken. You know, there's just so much taken out of context. There’s so much nit-picking. I turned my data alerts off."
On Her Dating Preferences: "I have a soft spot for musicians. If a man could ride this roller coaster with me and come out alive, then I guess we'd deserve each other's company. But I don't really have the right energy to be with somebody right now, because when I love somebody, I love somebody. Like, I want to marry them. I don't date around. I haven’t been on a date."
On Her Esquire Photo Shoot: "I aimed a little bit sexy with the hair. I wanted to just grow up a little bit. I'll be twenty-five this year."
Posted by
6:29 AM
Labels: katy perry
Magazine cover reveals crazy diet for Katie Holmes?

The new Life & Style mag cover came out featuring Katie Holmes with headlines about some insane diet that Tom Cruise is putting her on. Five hour sauna sessions, a crapload of pills, and a liquid diet.
I'd really hope that if this stuff is true, Katie is smart enough to say "Peace out, Holmes." to Tom and get the hell outta that situation.
Posted by
6:13 AM
Labels: Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise
Former WWE superstar Andrew "Test" Martin found dead

Former WWE superstar Andrew "Test" Martin was found dead in his Tampa, FL apartment on Saturday morning. He was only 33. Apparently, a neighbor saw him laying on the floor through the window, then hours later saw him in the same position, so she called the police. It's not known what caused his death, and an autopsy is scheduled to figure it out, but it's rumored that it has something to do with his drug use back when he was with the WWE. Actually, drug use is what got him fired from the WWE a few years ago. Andrew dated former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler back in the day, and was most recently linked to current Diva Kelly Kelly.
Our condolences go out to Andrew's family and friends.
Posted by
5:42 AM
Labels: andrew "test" martin, R.I.P.