Friday, February 27, 2009

Denise Richards talks about her horrible life

I'm sorry, but not only do I NOT have any compassion or understanding for Denise Richards, but I also CANNOT stand the broad. Anytime she's in the public eye, it's because she's bitching about something. I understand money doesn't buy happiness, but money can but you surgery to shut the f*ck up!! We reported yesterday that she actually joined Dancing with the Stars to take away some of the spotlight from the upcoming birth of Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller's twins, and now she's telling Ellen DeGeneres that her life the last few years have been the worst ever, due to her messy divorce with Charlie and her mother dying. But she also gave her kids credit for helping her survive the "public scrutiny and humiliation."

The only thing you should be humiliated about is trying nonstop to keep your 15 minutes of fame. Face it, no one gives a crap about you, and I hope you're the first one voted off of Dancing this season.


Anonymous said...

charlie sheen was horrible to her when they split up and yet she's getting the blame? people call her a whore because she got together with heather locklear's ex. mr. sheen, on the other hand, has allegedly slept with 5,000 women. and what's he called? a sex legend. sexism much?

Jadd said...

I never said she was a whore, and everyone knows Charlie can keep it in his pants. She just annoys the crap outta me because she won't shut up about him. We get it...he cheated on you, treated you like crap...but you knew who you were marrying from the GET OVER IT!