Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bret Michaels dishes on the Rock of Love boobs...I mean broads.

Bret Michaels dished the dirt on what we all want to know -- what are the Rock of Love girls REALLY like behind the cameras? He answered a bunch of fans' questions and answered them all pretty well. Check them out!!

Who's the best kisser on the show?
There's been some quality sucking face going on. Ambre is up there, and this season, I'd say Mindy, Taya, Ashley and Brittanya.

Do you ever worry about a skin- or saliva-borne outbreak among the girls?
In the heat of the moment, no. Later on the morning after, absolutely.

The first two seasons, you chose Chicago girls (Jes and Ambre) over the other finalists (Heather and Daisy). Do you have a thing for Midwestern women?
I must say I do like girls that can dress up and be smokin' hot, but they have to be down-to-earth. If you're a Steelers fan, you need down-to-earth people. Christ, we're the only team besides the Giants who don't have cheerleaders.

Have there been any girls you cut but now think, I wonder if I let that slip away?
Kristy Jo was my one -- I let her go too soon. As nutty as she was, there was real emotion between us. But once we connected she had trouble with the fact that it was a dating show.
Kristy Jo ran to that closet every 13 seconds and was packing her bags. I'm like, "Look, I'm gonna pack them for you in about two seconds." You can't run away from every problem like that in a relationship. I love doing stuff, and I don't get bored, so I don't need drama.

Who would you rather let babysit -- Lacey, Marcia, Angelique or Brittaney Angel?
You're gonna think I'm crazy, but Lacey -- she's the most caring. That girl is a Jekyll and Hyde but she was malicious because she actually wanted to date. The real Lacey is a great person. She's great with animals, and I think she'd be great with kids.

If you could spend an evening with either the Superbowl-winning Pittsburgh Steelers or a football team's worth of eliminated contestants from all three seasons of "Rock of Love," which would you choose?
I love the Steelers and love to party with them -- and have, many times. But I would have to go with the women on this one, and I think the Steelers would understand.

Who looks the most different without makeup? Sometimes it's hard to recognize the girls in the morning shots.
For sure. I've had a few where I've said "Wait, who?!" Hoo ... The one that looked a little different without makeup was definitely Brittanya. Not bad, she still was sexy, she just looked much different without makeup.

What do you think is the percent chance that a contestant during one of the seasons was born male?
I've seen the vajayjays and they're real. I know they made fun of Angelique, but I've seen her porn and she's definitely not a dude.
I don't buy Natasha being a man. Obviously it piques your curiosity when every girl is telling me that so I'd get rid of her. That isn't what did it -- we just never got past the friend zone. I wanna be in the end zone, not the friend zone. I saw when we were, uh, having fun on the bus, I definitely saw underneath the tutu thingy and there was nothing hanging down.

Did / would you ever let Big John have a crack at your second string if he was feeling one of them?
Absolutely. In fact this happened a year ago, he liked Cori a lot. I'm loyal to my buddies, and if I really like somebody or John does, the rest of us just don't go there.

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