Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Vanessa Hudgens signs on for Twilight sequel

Vanessa Hudgens has landed the role of Leah Clearwater for the upcoming sequel to Twilight called New Moon. Vanessa's role will be a werewolf who antagonizes Jacob since he's still in love with Bella, and she's about to marry Edward. Man, love triangles make for AWESOME stories.

There's also a good chance Vanessa will appear in the 2 movies after that too, since the character of Leah appears in the final 2 books, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.


Anonymous said...

Really? A sequel to Twilight? I'm not too sure I'm all that excited to see it. I mean the pictures of Vanessa Hudgens are not getting me hyped up at all! I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

ewwwwwwwwwww vanessa can NOT NOT NOT be leah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhh