Paula Abdul has come out and pretty much said that she made Beyonce and Rihanna's careers. She said the two superstars have her to thank, since her songs and videos have stood the test of time, and thinks Beyonce, Rihanna, and everyone like them use her songs and videos as an almanac to study from.
Are you kidding me? I'll give credit where credit is due, you definitely set the bar and kicked ass in your prime, but there's no way in hell that B and RiRi have YOU to thank for their super stardom. Lay off the vodka.
I heard Riri say it herself in a interview, so before getting your panties all in a twist check out Paula's crazy cool video and you can see how Riahnah borrowed from it for umbrella.
I didn't say they don't borrow ideas from some of her stuff, I said there's no way in hell Paula should take full credit for their careers.
Oh, and I'm pretty good at untying knots if you can't get your panties untwisted.
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