Hello fine Dirt readers. The Dirt has moved!!! Please update your bookmarks!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Posted by
10:35 AM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Jadd's new blog
So check it out peeps -- I decided to start my own blog. I'm gonna make it the most funny, random, and wiseass advice blog that will ever hit the Internet. It's called Life Tips to Steak Tips and it's really gonna cover any and everything you need advice on.
So go hit up the site for more info, and if you wanna start sending questions/problems that you need advice on now (I know I said I'd be wiseass, but I promise I'm gonna give actual advice in there too), send them to lifetipssteaktips@gmail.com -- PLEASE pass the word and help this blow up as big as Celebrity Dirt...and MORE!!
Posted by
6:29 PM
LeAnn Rimes and Dean Sheremet done for good...and MORE!!
LeAnn Rimes and Dean Sheremet officially divorce. (amygrindhouse)
Lily Allen sniffed some nose candy? (smack)
Eminem and Kim Mathers officially over. Again. (bedhead)
No babies for Speidi! (POTP)
The Duggars expecting baby #19 -- f*cking hussies. (gabby)
Donald Trump fixes Miss Universe pageant? (bitten)
Rey Mysterio/IC title situation! (wrestling)
Posted by
1:18 PM
Labels: dean sheremet, divorce, Donald Trump, duggar family, eminem, heidi montag, leann rimes, lily allen, miss universe, spencer pratt, wrestling
Charles Gibson retiring

After almost 35 years as a news anchor for ABC, Charles Gibson is retiring. He's going to continue hosting World News through the end of the year, then Diane Sawyer will take over the reigns. (Side note: Diane will become the second female network anchor, joining Katie Couric.) In an email to his co-workers, Charles had this to say:
It has not been an easy decision to make. This has been my professional home for almost 35 years. And I love this news department, and all who work in it, to the depths of my soul.
Makes you wonder what's going to happen to Good Morning America since Diane is going to be switching shows to World News -- will she do both, or drop GMA? P.S. is it me, or is Diane the hottest 63-year-old chick ever?
Posted by
1:00 PM
Labels: charles gibson, diane sawyer
Madonna collapses
It kinda looks like it was part of the act to me, don't you think?
Posted by
12:48 PM
Labels: madonna
DJ AM suicide

There's rumors floating around (and some investigators actually believe the rumors) that DJ AM didn't die accidentally, but instead it was suicide. Of course, no one wants to believe someone that successful with a lot of things going for them would kill themselves, but there's some evidence that makes it lean more toward suicide than accidental death. According to law enforcement sources, AM was found with 8 undigested pills of OxyContin in his stomach and a 9th in his mouth. It's believed that he was starting to lose consciousness and never ended up getting to swallow the 9th pill.
Hopefully this is all just happenstance (I f*cking love that word) and untrue rumors, but I dunno...I have a feeling it's possibly true. They also found an old Valentine's Day card from his ex-girlfriend Haley Wood on his laptops on the coffee table. Sad news if it's true...
Posted by
12:30 PM
Whitney Houston comeback
Posted by
12:18 PM
Labels: good morning america, whitney houston
Blink-182 postpones tour dates

After the sudden death of DJ AM (Adam Goldstein), Blink-182 has decided to cancel their next few tour dates so that drummer Travis Barker has time to grieve and get his mind straight before they head back out. They left an official statement about it on their website.
After much thought and consideration, Blink-182 has rescheduled their next two shows in order for Travis Barker to mourn the loss of his dear friend Adam Goldstein.
You gotta feel bad for this guy -- a year ago he barely survives a plane crash with the guy, and then he randomly finds out one of his best friends is found dead? Celebrity Dirt has your back, Travis!
Posted by
11:49 AM
Labels: blink-182, dj am, travis barker
Holly Madison Life & Style magazine

Holly Madison rocks an interview in the October issue of Life & Style magazine and talks about a ton of stuff, including how Hugh Hefner used to make her feel like a puddle of cat piss, and she also dishes dirt on becoming half-plastic. Check out the highlights below.
On her pre-plastic surgery body: "I always stuffed my bra. In fact, I had a boyfriend for years, and we moved so slowly. We didn't have sex for a long time because I had to gradually bring down my bra size so he wouldn't find out I stuffed my bra!"
On her issues with confidence: "Living with Hef brought down my self-esteem a lot. I was comparing myself to the other girls... You have to look a certain way at the mansion. If you look at Hef's girlfriend now, she basically looks like a clone of me. It's kind of weird."
On going under the knife: "When I was younger, I was the first person in my class to start getting boobs, so I thought I was going to be huge. But I stopped growing before everybody else started. That was a big letdown... I compared myself to those [Playboy playmates]. I knew what I wanted to look like and was kind of disappointed. I had a butt and no boobs. Plastic surgery made it easier for me to get things I wanted in my career. Without it, I wouldn't be where I am today... My nose photographed really big in front of my face. If I wanted to do anything in the entertainment industry, I needed to get it fixed. I was definitely happy with the results. It made me more confident. And a lot of doors open when you look a certain way."
On future enhancements: "I wouldn't consider more surgery - unless my body implodes after I have kids! And I'm scared of getting stuff [like Botox] put into my face. It makes you look like you have a rubber mask on. Beauty is truly on the inside. Looks don't define you - they're just a tool to get what you want."
Posted by
11:37 AM
Labels: holly madison
Tony Romo Candice Crawford dating

Just a couple months after dumping Jessica Simpson, Tony Romo didn't waste too much time moving onto a beauty queen. He's dating Chace Crawford's sister Candice, who won the Miss Missouri title last year. Jessica hasn't weighed in on it yet, but this is gonna come back and cause a ton of drama. Tony and Chace are apparently wicked tight, and now Tony is dating his buddy's sister -- that NEVER ends well.
Posted by
11:26 AM
Labels: candice crawford, tony romo
David Boreanaz baby

Congrats goes out to David Boreanaz and his wife Jaime Bergman on the birth of their second child, Bardot Vita. Bardot (who is a girl, by the way) weighed in at 7 lbs 14 oz when she came sliding out of Jaime's mommy hole, and mother and daughter are both doing well.
Congrats again...but you should be kicked in the junk for the baby name. Bardot Vita? Really?
Posted by
11:22 AM
Labels: celebrity babies, david boreanaz, jaime bergman
La Toya Jackson Home

La Toya Jackson wasn't really going to make a huge hoopla deal about her new album coming out, but she's decided to release her first single Home as a tribute to her brother Michael. The song was recorded before MJ died, but she said she feels like it's a great song to pay tribute to him. You can check out the song and video below, and also check out the promo banner above, where MJ is pictured looking down on her from above (A.K.A. Heaven)
Posted by
10:53 AM
Labels: latoya jackson, michael jackson
Kim Kardashian Khloe Kardashian Quick Trim

Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe are being used as the faces of a new weight loss product called Quick Trim. The product isn't FDA approved yet, but Kim and Khloe are saying it totally works wonders. It came out yesterday, and Khloe gave her fans a heads up on Twitter by saying, "Quick Trim comes out today! Buy or die!" Kim also threw something up on her website, talking about how "Quick Trim helped boost my metabolism and jump start my weight loss!"
Man, f*ck that pill sh*t. You wanna lose weight, hop your fat ass on a treadmill and lose weight the old-fashioned way. That's what I'm doing and I'm already down 15 pounds...I don't need no crap ass pills to help me.
Posted by
10:41 AM
Labels: khloe kardashian, kim kardashian
Sarah Jessica Parker Sex and the City 2

Posted by
10:28 AM
Labels: sarah jessica parker, sex and the city
Halle Berry pregnant

Congrats goes out to Halle Berry after a close friend of hers confirmed to Life & Style magazine that she's 3 months pregnant with her second child. Her friend said that Halle is super jacked up to be knocked up again, especially since she struggled so much to get pregnant the first time with her daughter Nahla (really...she named it after a character in the f*cking Lion King.)
Her rep hasn't responded to the story, but either way, congrats Halle! Can't wait to see your pregnancy boobs come back!
Posted by
10:18 AM
Labels: halle berry, preggers
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Those Desperate Housewives LOVE teasin us...and MORE!!
Desperate Housewives Season 6 teaser! (amygrindhouse)
Britney and the fam rock Miami. (smack)
Melrose Place poster! (bedhead)
Rebecca Gayheart and Kate Walsh show off some leg. (ayyyy)
Kanye's ex looks like she's gonna f*cking kill you. (POTP)
Renee Zellweger in car accident. (gabby)
DJ AM funeral deets. (bitten)
TNA star arrested! (wrestling)
Posted by
12:26 PM
Labels: arrests, britney spears, desperate housewives, dj am, kanye west, kate walsh, melrose place, rebecca gayheart, renee zellweger, wrestling
Megan Fox Cosmopolitan quotes

Megan Fox is known for saying some of the most hilarious, most random, and most stupid things ever. And it's no different when she's interviewed in the October issue of Cosmo. Just check out these quotes she busted out during the interview.
-- "I never call them guys. I always called them boys. Maybe it's a superiority complex--my needing to keep them down... Women hold the power because we have the vaginas. If you're in a heterosexual relationship and you're a female, you win."
-- "I'm very confident in how I project my personality. But in terms of how I look, I'm completely, hysterically insecure. I'm self-loathing, introverted and neurotic...I don't like being seen. I want to be invisible."
--"It's fun when someone intends to put you in his back pocket, but instead, he walks away wounded. I make it a mind game so they don't know if I'm hitting on them or mocking them. Male actors drop lines about their private jets, trying to seem powerful, but I don't give a sh--. I don't need someone else's power. I'm obtaining my own."
-- "Every time I go on stage - instant diarrhea."
Now that's a broad you bring home to Mom.
Posted by
12:18 PM
Labels: megan fox
Shania Twain letter to fans

Since she divorced her husband Mutt Lange after 14 years of marriage last year, Shania Twain has been pretty much living on the down-low. But she showed she still has some life left in her yesterday when she posted a letter to her fans on her website talking about where she's at now and how she's doing. Check it out below.
Hello everyone,
Thought I would drop a line to catch you up on things in my life and what better time than on my birthday.
I feel very much alive and well, ready to take on the gift of another year. I've been on a few interesting trips, reading some helpful and motivating books, meeting fascinating people and getting the most out of life that I possibly can. Living, loving, laughing and dreaming have become highest on my list of priorities. I'm looking for places to be and things to do that inspire me to write and be creative, concentrating on moving on and forward.
When I wake up each day I remind myself how lucky I am to have all the beautiful things I do in my life and allow that gratitude to fuel me for the day, taking one day at a time. I try not to worry about tomorrow since I realize I can't control what it will bring or whether tomorrow will even come. So, I focus on today and treat every minute with the respect it deserves and not take it for granted. I steer my energies toward being productive and finding motivation from every person, place and thing I encounter.
Traveling has helped a great deal. I consider myself on a journey of discovery and recovery. I don't accept to be held down by the past, nor do I expect too much of the future. This allows me to dream freely with no strings attached.
I recently read something very encouraging to someone like myself, who lives and loves to dream: "PLANS HAVE TO BE REALISTIC, DREAMS DON'T." Of course, I love this notion and allow myself to dream positive things and plan to live them out.
I make a point of surrounding myself with fun, positive, compassionate, loving people. Loved ones I can trust. After all, good company brings good feelings and feeling good just makes life more pleasant. The love and understanding of my friends and family have pulled me through the recent difficult time. It's as if several hands grabbed me by the scruff of the neck during my lowest moment and promised not to let go till I was safe. They kept their promise, and I want to thank them, my lifesavers.
So, thank you my dear friends and family. Thank you to the fans as well for your words of comfort and encouragement.
All this has given me enormous strength.
A dear friend and true gentleman by the name of Fred, has been the most constant companion of support for both Eja and me, and having gone through the suffering of his family splitting apart at the same time under the same extreme circumstances, he understood me better than anyone. We leaned on one another through the ups and downs, taking turns holding each other up. We've become stronger and closer through it all, as have our children Eja and Johanna (Fred's 8 year old daughter).
"The kids" came along on several of the trips you'll see in the montage. My mother often called me her little Gypsy so it's no surprise that travel is working for me in finding inspiration through seeing new and fascinating things. I'm putting that inspiration in to writing and more dreaming.
The best part about my dreams lately, is that not only am I allowing myself to dream, I set those dreams into action and live them out.
Fred filmed and snapped away during the travel adventures of the last six months, capturing the dreams becoming reality. The home footage is full of happy faces, beautiful, interesting places and lots of horses. Yeah!
When I reflect on it all, it's clear how remarkably active my life has been since last December - a time in the life of someone working hard to "move on" and succeeding. Life has been gracious to me and the images show that very clearly.
Why I decided to share this personal side of my life with you at this point is to answer the questions I get asked so often lately: "how are you, where have you been and what have you been doing?"
A big part of the answer is in the montage. I'm "okay" - yes, I hit a very big bump in the road, but Eja and I are doing well and with all the concern you, my fans, have shown over this difficult period, I want you to see for yourself that we are doing fine, by sharing these personal images with you. Sorry about the poor quality of the footage but almost all of what you will see, both photos and video, were shot on Fred's cell phone with the exception of the skydive filmed from a tiny, wrist camera worn by the guide. Although the images weren't originally filmed with the intention of sharing them publicly, in the end I decided it was more fun to share them. We weren't paying attention to quality, all of it being done on the fly, so I've included text in various places to help explain and make things easier to follow. Once again, it's all very candid footage so be ready to see a lot of me without makeup, no touch ups, some bad hair and looking pretty goofy. There is no glamour but plenty of genuine smiles.
Fred and I have certainly had a lot of laughs through the months and while sharing these images with a good friend of mine after each trip, she now affectionately refers to us as, "Lucy and Ricky Ricardo".
Hope you enjoy!
Posted by
12:00 PM
Labels: shania twain
Chris Brown remembers hitting Rihanna

Just a day after an interview of him aired on Larry King Live where he legit said he didn't remember beating the sh*t out of Rihanna, Chris Brown is coming out and saying that he definitely remembers it. Of course, it's not his fault that he said he didn't remember it though -- it's CNN's.
There have been reports on the Internet that I didn't remember what happened that night with Rihanna. I want to try and set things straight. That 30 seconds of the interview they used of me was taken from a one hour interview during which that same question was asked something like four or five times -- and when you look at the entire interview you will see it is not representative of what I said. The first four times -- or however many times it was – I gave the same answer – which was that I didn't think it was appropriate for me to talk about what happened that night. I said it was not right for me and it really wasn't fair to Rihanna. The fifth time -- or whatever it was -- I just misspoke. I was asked, 'Do you remember doing it?' and I said, 'No.'
Hey f*cktard, there aren't "reports" that you said you didn't remember beating the piss out of RiRi, there's video f*cking proof of you saying it! So why don't you watch it below and just remember what a f*cking douchebag you are instead of trying to blame it on other people.
Posted by
11:44 AM
Labels: chris brown, larry king, rihanna
Miley Cyrus Liam Hemsworth dating?

Miley Cyrus is being blamed for the break-up between her Last Song co-star Liam Hemsworth and Laura Griffin -- at least, that's the reason for the breakup in Laura's mind.
He was my boyfriend and my best friend. There is no other reason why we would have broken up. It's Miley Cyrus! How can I compete?"
Miley has straight up denied that they're a couple, but she Tweets all the time about them hanging out, including the other night when she decided to "stay in to have sushi with Liam :)"
Posted by
11:35 AM
Labels: liam hemsworth, miley cyrus
Erin Andrews Oprah

Erin Andrews will appear on an episode of Oprah that airs next Friday on September 11, and she talks about the horrible scandal that went on with her being filmed through a peephole in July. She said that whole footage was a total "nightmare" and that she "opened up the computer and I could feel my heart pounding." But while some people would wanna straight up hide after that, she's actually excited to get back to work in the fall, saying that "it's really going to help heal my wounds."
Posted by
11:21 AM
Labels: erin andrews, oprah
Anand Jon prison

America's Next Top Model designer Anand Jon will be making scarves for his buddies in jail for the rest of his life, becuase he was given a life sentence yesterday for sexually assaulting a handful of women, some as young as 14. He promised them all modeling jobs, but instead lured them to his joint and tried gettin freaky w/them anyway.
Dude is gonna get roughed up in jail. Seriously...even though peeps are in there for murder and other sh*t, they don't take well to kiddie-touchers. Nice knowing ya, Anand, because you're probably not gonna make it to an old age...
Posted by
11:12 AM
Labels: america's next top model, anand jon
Carrie Prejean sues

Former Miss California Carrie Prejean filed a lawsuit yesterday against California pageant director Keith Lewis and Shanna Moakler, who served as co-director before she gave up her spot because of Carrie's marriage comment when she was answering Perez Hilton's question (which was more a trap than a question). Carrie was stripped of her Miss Cali crown back in June for failing to make scheduled appearances.
She says that she never missed a scheduled appearance and that she was dropped because of her belief that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, and that "opposite marriage" (which is what she called it) was wrong. Frankly, I don't give a f*ck about her, what she believes, or why she's suing people...I just want her annoying ass to go away.
Posted by
10:59 AM
Labels: carrie prejean
Ashton Kutcher fan
Worst Speeches of All Time - Ashton Kutcher Fan Fiction | ||||
http://www.comedycentral.com/ | ||||
Posted by
10:51 AM
Labels: ashton kutcher
Monday, August 31, 2009
Demi Moore says she's 100% real...and MORE!!
Demi Moore has never had plastic surgery. Yeah, right. (amygrindhouse)
Watch DJ AM and Travis Barker rip it up. (smack)
Kelly Brook in lingerie. 'Nuff said. (bedhead)
Audrina Patridge quits The Hills. (POTP)
Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo back together? (gabby)
Kara DioGuardi records studio version of her own song. (bitten)
Jeff Hardy headed to TNA?? (wrestling)
Posted by
12:12 PM
Labels: audrina patridge, demi moore, dj am, jeff hardy, kara dioguardi, kelly brook, nick lachey, plastic surgery, the hills, tna, travis barker, vanessa minnilo, wrestling
Macaulay Culkin father?

In some of the most insane bullsh*t I've ever heard, there's rumors flying around that Macaulay Culkin is the father of Michael Jackson's youngest son, Prince II (aka Blanket). Macaulay is 29 now, which means that he would've had to been 22-years-old when he supposedly donated sperm to MJ to help him become a father.
Posted by
12:03 PM
Labels: macaulay culkin, michael jackson, prince jackson II
Dirty Quotes with Jon Gosselin
Posted by
11:53 AM
Labels: dirty quotes, jon gosselin
Dr. Drew talks DJ AM

Everyone's been weighing in on the death of DJ AM, but mainly just messages to rest in peace and well-wishes to his family. But Dr. Drew Pinsky is looking at it from another angle -- the angle of an addiction doc. He thinks that pain pills that were prescribed to him were the stepping stone to falling back into his crack addiction.
It very slowly and subtly reawakens addiction. I'm not saying it was inappropriately prescribed, I'm saying he didn't know the risks.
Ya know, between the AM death and the whole Michael Jackson debacle, I wonder if someone is going to look at the way doctors treat their celebrity patients. Maybe AM should've been treated A LOT more carefully.
Posted by
11:47 AM
Labels: dj am, dr. drew pinsky
Daytime Emmy winners list

Check out the winner's from last night's Daytime Emmy awards. Whole list is below for ya!
TALK SHOW (INFORMATIVE) -- 'The Tyra Banks Show'
TALK SHOW HOST -- Joy Behar, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Whoopi Goldberg, Sherri Shepherd, Barbara Walters at 'The View'
GAME SHOW -- 'Cash Cab'
GAME SHOW HOST -- Meredith Vieira, 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire'
MORNING PROGRAM -- 'Good Morning America'
DRAMA SERIES -- 'The Bold and the Beautiful'
ACTOR -- Christian LeBlanc, 'Young and the Restless'
ACTRESS -- Susan Haskell, 'One Life to Live'
SUPPORTING ACTOR (Tie) -- Jeff Branson, 'Guiding Light' // Vincent Irizarry, 'All My Children'
SUPPORTING ACTRESS -- Tamara Braun, 'Days of Our Lives'
YOUNGER ACTOR -- Darin Brooks, 'Days of Our Lives'
YOUNGER ACTRESS -- Julie Berman, 'General Hospital'
DAYTIME DRAMA WRITING -- 'General Hospital'
Posted by
11:40 AM
Labels: daytime emmys, winners list
Kelly Preston Women's Conference

Actress Kelly Preston has pulled out of the annual Women's Conference where she was slated to break her silence about the death of her son Jett Travolta. Jett died of a seizure back in January, and the family is still grieving over it. Kelly said she's still "deeply in the process of healing, and it's just too soon."
Posted by
11:27 AM
Labels: jett travolta, kelly preston
Travis Barker tweets about DJ AM

Posted by
11:20 AM
Labels: dj am, travis barker
Celebs Tweet about DJ AM's death

Check out this huge list of Tweets from a ton of different celebrities reacting to the shocking news that DJ AM had been found dead.
@parishilton Adam and I were friends since I was 15. He had a heart of gold and was one of the kindest, funniest and most talented men I have ever met.
@petewentz R.I.P. . I'm sorry to loved ones. So unexpected.
@ryanseacrest So sad the hear about adam. a very kind and generous guy
@shannamoakler My deepest condolences for DJ AM, you were a great artist and will be severely missed. My thoughts and Prayers to his family and friends.
@johncmayer I really want to use words right now but I can't get em. Fuck.
@EthanSuplee DJ AM was such a sweet guy, the demons feed on the sweet guys. The demons seem to be winning.
@TheRealJordin (aka Jordin Sparks) R.I.P DJ AM. My prayers go out to his family. Please keep them in your thoughts.
@katyperry rest in peace friend.
@solangeknowles I hope people don't taint his legacy.....because there isn't any concrete proof yet. That guy was a walking miracle.
@AubreyODay RIP DJAM, life can be so short I hope you all spend your days feeling blessed and positive!
@Alyssa_Milano May you rest in peace, Adam. You touched many with your light and will be missed like crazy.
@BonnieFuller DJ AM DEAD & SO SAD! I wonder if the poor thing was suffferg from survivors guilt after that terrible plane crash
@Aplusk (aka Ashton Kutcher) love you brother
@mrskutcher (aka Demi Moore) The shock of DJ AM has me at a loss for words...his joyous spirit was a gift to us all!
@sevinnyne6126 (aka Lindsay Lohan) i can't believe this.. i'm in shock. why? why? r.i.p. adam
@iamdiddy DJ AM Rest In Peace...
@PerezHilton I'm tempted to feel angry at the world/God right now, but I can't. I won't. I choose to believe Adam is free of his demons now and at peace.
@johncmayer In complete shock.
@hollymontag RIP DJ AM
@seankingston R.I.P Dj Am he was a great guy man ;(
Posted by
11:03 AM
Labels: dj am
DJ AM dies

I realize this happened on Friday, but I was at Fenway Park when I found out, plus I didn't have a chance to post anything all weekend, but DJ AM was found dead in New York City in his hotel room on Friday afternoon. No official cause of death has been released, but it looked like he was back on his crack cocaine addiction, which shocked a lot of people. AM was a huge addict back in his 20's, but he'd kicked the habit for over 11 years adn was even filming a series on MTV that helped people kick their addictions. But it's rumored a crack pipe was found in his room and that it's an accidental overdose.
A lot of people started getting worried when they hadn't seen any Tweets from AM for a few days, and they got worried that something was wrong. AM actually sent a few texts out at 1am on Friday morning talking about a gig he had coming up in Vegas, but that's the last anyone heard from him. AM was only 36.
Definitely a shocking and horrible thing to hear, especially since it was literally just over a year since the plane crash that almost killed him before. RIP AM...you were the sh*t.
Posted by
10:47 AM
Heidi Montag on Anderson Cooper

A few days ago I posted a video of Anderson Cooper totally trashing and ripping into Heidi Montag's performance at the Miss Universe pageant last weekend. Normally from some of the stuff he said, people would be offended, but not someone as self-absorbed as Heidi. Check out what she had to say about Anderson.
Oh my God, I love it. I am so incredibly flattered that he's talking about the first performance I've ever done, that he's talking about me, that he knows who I am. Who gets on CNN? Britney, when she shaved her head, gets on CNN. That's all that matters: Heidi, CNN, Anderson Cooper. Done. I'd never performed before, not even in front of even ten people! Praise God. I had so much fun. Look at everyone's first performances - look at Britney's first performance or Lady Gaga's, even. These girls were hardly even dancing. Britney did a couple little moves; it took her two years to start dancing like I did that first night. And I didn't mess up one move, I had so much fun, it was such a blessing. I was praying so hard, and I couldn't have done better. It was miraculous.
This bitch and her husband seriously make me wanna snap...I really hope someone goes all Tonya Harding on her and whacks her with a crowbar. Preferably in the throat so we don't have to hear her open her mouth to sing again.
Posted by
10:38 AM
Labels: anderson cooper, heidi montag
Friday, August 28, 2009
Britney and Russell team up again...and MORE!!
Britney Spears and Russell Brand VMA promo. (amygrindhouse)
Miley Cyrus' Today Show appearance. (smack)
Dakota Fanning vamps up! (bedhead)
More deets on the Jasmine Fiore death. (POTP)
Shania Twain gets engaged! (gabby)
John Mayer mugshot. (bitten)
Top WWE performer suspended! (wrestling)
Posted by
1:22 PM
Labels: britney spears, dakota fanning, jasmine fiore, john mayer, miley cyrus, mugshots, russell brand, shania twain, vma, wrestling
Brody Jenner Joe Francis fight!

Brody Jenner and Girls Gone Wild perv (and by perv I mean I'm jealous he gets to see so many boobies) Joe Francis got into a HUGE knockdown dragout at the Guys and Dolls nightclub in West Hollywood late last night after Joe had a little Chris Brown-type run-in with Brody's girlfriend, softcore porn star Jayde Nicole. Joe was hitting on one of Jayde's friends who totally wasn't feeling the guy, and when Jayde went to try and get him to leave her friend alone, Joe threw a drink on Jayde, pulled her hair, punched her to the ground, then started kicking her while she was down.
Security showed up and kicked both Brody and Joe out of the club, and brought Joe out first. Brody flew outside and caught up with Joe and slugged him right in the face and was about to keep going when he was tazered by one of the officers. By the time he got up, Joe was long gone. No arrests were made and no charges were pressed.
Dude, how the f*ck do you taze Brody when Joe is the f*cking douchebag beating the sh*t out of a woman?! Man, people are messed up. I hope while he's filming Girls Gone Wild in the Jungle, some crazy ass tiger bites Joe's balls right off. P*ssy.
Posted by
1:08 PM
Labels: brody jenner, joe francis
Eddie Cibrian talks divorce and LeAnn Rimes

Unlike his super attention whore soon-to-be ex-wife Brandi Glanville, Eddie Cibrian has seemed distant and private because, well, that's exactly how he wants things to be right now -- on the down-low.
From the outset I have made a conscious decision to try and keep this matter private and not discuss it in the press. While my wife and I are dissolving our marriage, we will work together to parent our two children. I love my boys very much. I want only the best for them and am committed to being a devoted father. I will continue to be respectful and sensitive to this issue by not doing interviews about this ongoing private matter. I wish everyone would do the same.
BAM!! Fella just laid the verbal smackdown on that bitch!
Posted by
1:01 PM
Labels: eddie cibrian
Megan Fox likes kissing girls

In her new flick Jennifer's Body, Megan Fox has a kissing scene. Even better -- it's with Amanda Seyfried. Now I know some broads are uber uncomfortable with kissing other girls, but Megan said she loves it.
I feel much safer with girls, so I felt more comfortable kissing her in the movie than kissing any of the other people that I had to kiss.
Amanda sees it a little differently though, and thought Meg was really nervous about the makeout session.
I think she was extremely uncomfortable. I don't think that -- I know that. She was not comfortable and there was a lot of laughing -- like, giggling fits that happened in between takes.
Well DUH she was giggling a lot you idiot -- her mommy spot was probably getting all tingly!
Posted by
12:09 PM
Labels: amanda seyfried, megan fox
Jeremy Piven wins lawsuit

Jeremy Piven is sittin pretty right now after winning the lawsuit filed against him by the producers of the Broadway play Speed-The-Plow. Jeremy was sued after he had to up and leave his role because he got nailed with mercury poisoning. Jeremy said he's happy with the decision and feels vindicated, but the producers said they don't agree with the final decision, although they respect it.
Posted by
12:05 PM
Labels: jeremy piven
George Clooney breaks hand

Whatever rumors you hear about George Clooney, a motorcycle crash, and Switzerland, don't believe it. We got the real scoop for you on what happened to GC. George ended up breaking his hand in Italy after he shut his car door on it.
He's doing fine though, obviously just in a little pain though, because...well...it f*cking hurts when you break your hand.
Posted by
11:41 AM
Labels: George Clooney
Seinfeld reunion

Since his sitcom went off the air about 11 years ago, Jerry Seinfeld has refused to have a reunion with the rest of the cast, but it looks like that's about to change. Jerry is reuniting with Julia-Louis Dreyfus, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander, and creator Larry David on Larry's hit HBO show Curb Your Enthusiasm. The gang all sat down with Entertainment Weekly to talk about reuniting and how it's all going down.
Larry on the Plot: "Larry attempts to get [his estranged wife] Cheryl back, and the Seinfeld reunion figures prominently in that."
Jerry on Why He Agreed: "The idea of working with Larry was just too overwhelmingly appealing to me, and [Curb] is such a great show ... There was a little part of me that said, 'Do we really want to tamper?' ... But to hell with it. How much damage can you really do?"
Jason on Digging Up George: "Just before we shot that scene, I said to Jerry and Julia, 'I don't know if I can be George. I haven't tried him on in a while,' ... And it was freaky how it just came right back out."
Michael on Bringing Kramer Back: "I'd always kept Kramer's shoes ... Once I got those shoes on, and I'm standing behind the door of Jerry's apartment, I was ready."
Jerry Throws Down Another Reunion: "As far as I'm concerned, we did do it, and in a better way than I ever imagined ... This exceeded my expectations, so there's no chance I would revisit it now."
Julia Sums It All Up: "It's the anti-reunion reunion, and I'd like to copyright that."
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: jason alexander, jerry seinfeld, julia-louis dreyfus, larry david, michael richards
Mischa Barton talks hospitalization

Mischa Barton is finally breaking her silence about being put under a psychiatric hold at Cedars-Sinai hospital last month. And in typical Hollywood fashion, she's not taking responsibility for it. Nope...she's blaming her schedule and getting her wisdom teeth removed for making her down in the dumps.
I was down in the dumps about everything there for a while. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom about things and have to get the most stressed out just to feel better again. I got completely stressed out and couldn't handle everything, and now I feel really in control. I went through a tough spot where everything compounded on me, and it was like a perfect storm, like everything was happening to me at once.
I seriously love that pic of her above. She looks like 25 miles of bad road...so awesome.
Posted by
11:21 AM
Labels: mischa barton