Monday, November 17, 2008

Lindsay Lohan gets Antiqued

Lindsay Lohan was attacked over the weekend, but not in a brutal way. Instead, she had a bag of of flour dumped over her head by a PETA protestor while she was at a Paris nightclub. Lindsay was in London earlier in the week before hitting up Paris with her Samantha Ronson, and apparently rocked fur coats all week.

Samantha stuck up for her boo on her MySpace page in a blog.

Today I'm p----d at the bag of flour thrown on Lindsay last night. Not because I got powdered down, but because the girl who threw it acted like an animal herself. It's a pity that some groups feel the need to assault people as opposed to fighting with words. I don't wear fur, but I don't think I have the right to ATTACK those who do. No one has that right. PETA should focus their efforts on educating people on what they believe are injustices instead of seeking press via harassing those in the limelight.

I'm with Sam. There's more ways to get your message across without doing something as stupid and childish as that.

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