Thursday, November 20, 2008

Julianne Hough done with Dancing?

Julianne Hough told AOL TV that she won't be returning for the next season of Dancing with the Stars, and mentioned that she'll be touring next year.

I won't be coming back for the spring season for sure, but I might be coming back for the fall season. I'm actually excited about that. I've been on the show for four seasons straight and in between all that, I went on tour, I recorded an album. It's hard having to squeeze all that in and do a good job at it. I'm going to be working on my next record -- writing, which I didn't have time to do last time. I'm really excited -- I'm going on a big tour next year, which I don't think has been announced yet. It's a pretty big tour and we're about 98.5% sure it's going to happen.

Hmm...a pretty big tour that hasn't been announced yet? I'm going out on a limb and saying she'll be on the 2009 lineup for Countryfest -- someone give us the credit of breaking the story when it's actually confirmed.

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