Eminem's mother Debbie Nelson put out a "tell-all" book about a year ago called My Son Marshall, My Son Enimem: Setting the record straight on my life as Enimem's mother. When she first put the book out, she pretty much made Em sound like a total douchebag in the intro below, which was written for Debbie by author Annette Witheridge.
"After his first album, Infinite, flopped, he reinvented himself as white trailer trash with a crazy welfare mom. I was shocked when I first heard the lyrics… but he constantly reassured me it was all a big joke… I went along with it for Marshall’s sake." Nelson claims that after years of being attacked both verbally and physically by her son’s fans, she is through pretending. "This book is my way of setting the record straight. As a child, Em was a shy mama’s boy who was so jealous of his mother’s new man, he wouldn’t let him sleep with her on their wedding night; he beat his mother up up on his 23rd birthday; and was "so strung out," he doesn’t remember 1999 (the year he first married childhood sweetheart Kim)." Nelson then says in her book, "My son never intended for me to become an object of hatred."
One year later, she's speaking out about the book again. I'm assuming it's because she sucks at life and the book totally flopped and she's just trying even harder to make some cash off of her son's name. Check out her latest comments about how they've always been close.
There's nothing I wouldn't have done for my son. When he first went out there, pressing those tapes and stuff with the (1996) 'Infinite' album, I was passing them out to all of my limousine customers. He told me, 'Mom, "positive" is not selling.' When he went negative and had to be different and was very creative, he thought, 'I'll just attack mom because if I attack Kim's family they'll go after me and sue me. But if I attack my mother, it'll be different.' We were all surprised on that bill.
It's so easy to see right through this broad. She tried the vengeful mother approach and it did NOTHING to sell the book. Now she's trying the whole "I love and support my son and I'm a proud mother" approach to try and resurrect it. Coincidentally, around the Christmas season. What a greedy bitch.
what a ho
She is a greedy b*tch.
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