Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tony disses Jessica's sack skills!!

Tony Romo is even dumber than he looks, and stupider than I thought. Amanda reported earlier about their break-up, and I got the scoop! Apparently, Tony got tanked one night with his buddies and decided to call up Jess and discuss some important matters -- their sex life. A source close to Tony and his buddies says:

Tony Romo was in town, and he was bar hopping with some buddies of his from Chicago. He had the nerve to put Jessica on speakerphone and talk about their sex life with all his guys listening and laughing at her. Not only is this girl dumb, but she is completely self conscious about her bedroom skills. After a few too many drinks, he told everyone he and Jessica are over. They are taking a "break." He could never see himself being serious and marrying this girl. He's just having fun with her. It's funny everyone is talking about them getting married when they are completely over. Sorry Jessica, Tony had his fun with you, and now is on to bigger and better things.

Bigger and better things? Tony Romo? The only bigger thing he'll get is elephantitis (look it up, you'll laugh). As far as better things? There are never any better things if your name is Tony Romo.

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