Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Vince Vaughn is blowing up like a deer tick in Montana

Is he retaining water? If so, let's tap his face and fight wildfires.

This is a picture of Vince from the premiere of his new movie "Fred Clause." Maybe he's been munching on a few too many holiday sugar cookies in anticipation of the release.

But then again I should cut him some slack. Poor guy has "Fred Clause" coming out.


Melinda01852 said...

My god, he really is blowing up!

Brendan Chenowith said...

Yessiree BOB - just what we need, another stupid Vince Vaughn comedy.

Does Owen Wilson have his usual cameo on the wrist-cutting-room floor?

Maybe Vinny's face is blowing up as a symbol of the BOMB this one is going to be at the box office.