Friday, November 16, 2007

Spongebob Scores BIG Ratings

Remember when Spongebob was the frizz? It was monstrously huuuge. Everybody loved it. 4 year-olds. 23 year-old stoners. 79 year-olds with dementia. Cats. I thought those days were done. Little did I know it's still the frizz.

[Psst. I just made up that word for this post.]

Spongebob's new made-for-TV movie aired Monday night on Nickelodean and 9 million people watched it. That's 8 times the population of Rhode Island. Sure Rhode Island is pretty much a really large town, but whatever. That's still a lot of people watching a cartoon.

Here's where it gets awesome:

The movie led Nickelodean into it's highest ratings of the year amongst children 2-11 and kids 6-11.

Read that last sentence again.

Do you realize that there's a board room of suits having deep philosophical discussions on how to tap the prestigious 4-6 year old market. Damn. Laffy Taffy and pink shoelace companies must be psyched.

And sorry "Naked Brothers Band." You're no longer the cornerstone of Nick's forward charge. It's all about the sponge. Now only if Britney Spears could learn that same lesson.


Chrystelle said...

I love him!

omar said...

Frizz! :D

I love it! haha
"Don't give me a frizz or I swear I will kick you out!" :D
wow very expressive!

Thanks Jackson!