Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lindsay responds to Ali's fake boobs rumor

While Lindsay Lohan was out walking the streets with her friend the other day, a couple paparazzi peeps got all up in her face and asked how she felt about everyone making comments about her sister's implants.

Yeah, wrong move.

Apparently Lindsay flipped her shiznit and called them a bunch of pedophiles. Then of course, she blogged about it on Myspace.

All i am trying to say is, is that, i was raised with a wonderful family surrounding me, of course we have our ups and downs, but all in all my mother taught us to appreciate what we have been given. Nor would she ever encourage, or allow a 14 year old child to alter her body.

Ahh yes, I forgot how amazing of a mother Dina Lohan is. Lindsay is talking about the same mom that whores her 14-year-old sister out on reality TV, right? Okay, just checking.

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