Wednesday, August 13, 2008

David Archuleta's Single Crushing the Itunes Charts

Archuleta's first single, Crush, hit iTunes yesterday and it's sitting pretty in the top spot! If you haven't heard it yet, check it out here on YouTube. I'm biased because I love the boy to pieces but I think it rocks...


Jadd said...

They probably heard it when I posted it the day it dropped :)

Miss Manda said...

i know, you fool. i said in case you didnt! "ugh", i "love" the song. hahahaa

Jadd said...

I'd give you credit for that slam, but no one will have any clue about the "ugh"/"love" thing.

Try again, sucka.

Anonymous said...

David has delivered an amazing first single to his fans, and the public. It is rhythmic, David's superior vocals soar and are identifiable throughout, has a catchy beat.. Hey-> I watched lotsa American Bandstand back in the day
His older fans like me find themselves humming along unconsciously, and the verses transport the listener back to those bygone days of school girl and schoolboy CRUSHES... It has an appeal across a very broad spectrum of listeners, and should effectively silence the detractors and critics who didn't believe he had mainstream appeal. CRUSH is the catapult for David to continue his growth and evolution as an artist - I ANTICIPATE MANY MANY YEARS OF OUTSTANDING MUSIC FROM HIM. TAKE A BOW DAVID... YOU'VE ARRIVED.

Jadd said...

Can I take a bow too, please? Preferably with Rihanna.