Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wear a bra around your kids while walking them in public!!!

Come on Posh!!! "Scratch and Sniff Boobs" aren't allowed while holding your kid's hand walking around in public!

It looks incestual or just wrong! Wear a bra!

Not that I mind nipples.

I just don't wanna see kid hands while I see them.

It makes me feel like Mr. Rogers or something. His sweaters were rad.


Melinda01852 said...

Goodness, that is a bit creepy when your with ur little kid! Ya think since Spice Girls did that deal w/ Victoria Secret they could have at least threw her a few free bras!!

kAEdo-k said...

Creepy?! That's awesome, is what that is. IwannareallyreallyreallywannazizazayAHHHHH.