Thursday, December 13, 2007

Celebrity Dirt -- Jessica Simpson Gets Naked For Movie


Chrystelle said...

Ok I thought "the guy has filmes for alot more than just 3 minutes so there must be something near the I didn't really get it. I thought he was telling me to 'get out'?
Talking about Jessicas boobs, have you seen her new LIP JOB. Her lip is so huge I thought it was part of her nose or something....Tara, she was so cute, now she has become the new *drums* Nicole Richie. She is so skinny she is going to desapear soon from this earth *waiting so much for that to happen!* Kisses

PS* OMG JESSICA ALBA IS PREGNANT???????????????????????

Matsya said...

Is it my eyes, or was this the suckiest hidden bonus ever? Jackson, I do forgive you because you are the greatest and this issue of CD was tremendous.


Your Matsya

Unknown said...

Sorry to all who thought I was trying at the whole "easter egg" thing. It was simply a f*ck up. My bad. Sorry.