Thursday, September 25, 2008

David Blaine speaks on failed stunt

A couple of hours ago, I posted about everyone's disappointment on the ending to the David Blaine stunt last night as far as his "Dive of Death" went. It turns out David was disappointed, too, and it didn't go as planned. He was on Regis and Kelly this morning talking about it. The video is below, but long story short: He was supposed to jump down and get "whisked away" by a bunch of helium balloons, but the ABC execs kept telling him not to jump because of the winds. Not wanting to disappoint everyone, he jumped anyway, then when he almost hit the ground, he floated up and then was taken down once he got to the park. He said he wants to think of the craziest, biggest stunt for his next one, and he better. He's got a lot of making up to do. Here's the video:

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