Lima was at the Natick Mall yesterday and I completely forgot to go on my lunch break! Ugggh but I found this video clip of her appearance. Love the accent! Haha She seems nice. Gave her opinion on Gisele and the real meaning of beauty. "It's on the inside".. yeah if I looked like that, I could say that and have many people believe me too. sigh... (Though for the record, I DO believe that beauty is on the inside!)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Adriana Lima on Gisele
Posted by
Miss Manda
7:59 AM
Labels: adriana lima
Jamie Lynn and Casey Aldridge getting married
Posted by
7:46 AM
Labels: casey aldridge, jamie lynn spears, marriage
NKOTB Latest Single
The New Kids have released their next single, ironically called SINGLE haha, featuring Ne-Yo. I haven't decided where I stand on it... I like it but some parts (like the beginning haha) I could do without...I love the "I'll be your boyfriend" part though haha sigh
The song will be available on iTunes Aug. 12, and also appears on NKOTB's upcoming album The Block, due out Sept. 2. Can't waitttttttttttt
Listen Here
Posted by
Miss Manda
7:44 AM
Labels: new kids on the block
Britney Says No to Lutfi
Things are looking up for Britney and she's making much better decisions this time around. One great decision being: She does NOT want Sam Lutfi back in her life.. Her restraining order against him is up today and she is not extending it but says she will not let him back in her life.
"Britney has made clear to everyone that she does not want to be further harassed or contacted in any way by Osama 'Sam' Lutfi, now or at anytime in the future," Spears' attorney Samuel D. Ingham III said in a statement to The Associated Press.
Lutfi, for the time being, seems willing to go along with those wishes.
He called the AP late Wednesday and released the following statement: "Mr. Lutfi and Mr. Spears have mutually agreed in private that no hearing or order is necessary at this time."
Posted by
Miss Manda
7:31 AM
Labels: britney spears
Don't Mess with Bruce Willis
Apparently a paparazzi got a little too close yesterday and Bruce wasn't having it. So he decided to kill him with kindness and turn the other cheek and washed the pap's car... or something like that.. haha
Posted by
Miss Manda
7:25 AM
Labels: bruce willis
New installment of The Mummy will probably bomb
Even though it doesn't come out until tomorrow, based on feedback from sneak screenings, rumor has it that the third (well, kinda) installment of The Mummy, titled The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, totally sucks ass. It's not that it's a bad movie, but they've pretty much just tired out the plot.
Let's be real, they had 2 awesome movies before that I loved, plus the Scorpion King that starred The Rock -- err, I'm sorry, Dwayne Johnson. From what people are saying, this movie doesn't even have one actual mummy in it. Instead, they fight an army of terra cotta soldiers (whatever those are).
Probably one of the only saving graces of the movie is that Jet Li is in it, and you know that anything with Jet Li or Jackie Chan in it is going to have awesome action sequences. But you want my opinion? Wait until it's on demand and save yourself the money.
Posted by
7:21 AM
Labels: brendan fraser, jet li, the mummy
Justin Timberlake Needs to Go Back to 6th Grade
That's how old he sounds when he says things like this: "It’s funny. I keep hearing Ashton Kutcher say how he was responsible for trucker caps. I’ve heard him make that statement before. Trace and I were wearing them when we were seventeen."
Yeah, Timberlake said that in an interview to Fashion Rocks.. seriously? Give me a break.. unless you INVENTED the trucker cap, who really cares? I'm sure my Dad wore trucker caps before you, so does that give him rights to bitch about you talking about/wearing trucker caps? Oy
Posted by
Miss Manda
7:19 AM
Labels: justin timberlake
A method to Britney's madness?
<--- She's well on her way to looking like that again, she seems mentally stable again, and she guest starred twice on How I Met Your Mother. So when we reported a couple of weeks ago that Britney Spears let Kevin Federline have sole custody of her kids Sean Preston and Jayden James, we were shocked! But it turns out there may be a method to her madness...
Back in January when she was hospitalized for being a hot mess, her father was given control of her estate (and pretty much her well-being). He was given the right to manage her money, control who visited her, and do everything he could to nurse her back to health.
Turns out that whole agreement is set to end as early as today, but there's rumors saying they may extend it to the fall. It's not that Britney's done anything wrong to cause it, but they figure "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." So far the arrangement has worked out well for Brit, so why not keep it going?
Here's the deal -- Britney is planning on shooting for joint custody of her and K-Fed's two kids once the agreement is over, so now it makes a lot more sense for her to give him sole custody. It makes her look better.
And I'm officially back on the Britney bandwagon.
Posted by
6:50 AM
Labels: britney spears
Alicia Keys snaps cig ads

Alicia Keys put the nix on advertisements for her show today in Indonesia that stated the show was sponsored by A Mild cigarettes, which is produced by a Philip Morris affiliate. She had her people send a letter to Philip Morris saying she's an advocate for healthy living and doesn't promote smoking at all and asked for them to be removed. Surprisingly, they took the ads down with no problem.
Ahhh...women who don't smoke. So sexy.
Posted by
6:43 AM
Labels: alicia keys
Janice Dickinson shows her boobies
Posted by
6:37 AM
Labels: boobies, janice dickinson
Fergie Ferg love you long time...for real?

While talking about her new movie, Nine, Fergie busted out one of the best lines a woman could ever say, at least in my opinion (because I'm a total guy.)
[I play] a prostitute on the beach. She introduces ... the world of sexuality. I'm just thrilled.
Thrilled to be a prostitute. On a beach. In a bikini.
Life is good.
Posted by
6:26 AM
Labels: fergie
New Harry Potter Trailer out
Posted by
6:21 AM
Labels: harry potter
Seth Rogen almost gets booted from his own party

Seth Rogen might have forgot he wasn't on-set of his movie Pineapple Express, because at the premiere party for the flick, he lit up a joint and tried to smoke it. Even though he plays a pothead in the movie (and said he's one in real life), he almost got the boot from the party and was told to put it out or get out.
Posted by
6:13 AM
Labels: drugs, seth rogen
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Ashley Parker Angel slammed the report and not only called it false but said O'Day was a liar!
A reps for Angel tell us, "Any claim regarding a romantic link between Ashley Parker Angel and Aubrey O'Day is completely false. Angel and O'Day met only two weeks ago as cast members of Hairspray on Broadway and are nothing more than friends. The statements and rumors that came from O'Day are clearly nothing more than an attempt to gain press."
Ouch. This should make rehearsals awkward now.
Posted by
Miss Manda
1:26 PM
Labels: aubrey o'day
Break Ups and Hook Ups
Didn't see this one coming, Lance and Kate Hudson have broken up!! A source close to the two has confirmed, saying "They are going their separate ways". Seems very vague and abrupt for a couple who had already meshed their kids together like one big family.
And on the other end of love, Ashley Parker Angel and Aubrey O'Day have hooked up. The two singers star together in HAIRSPRAY on Broadway. He recently broke up with his child's mother and girlfriend of a longggggggg time. Is Aubrey a homewrecker? Haha Kinda bummed he left Tiffany, I liked her and their show together. Wonder if Aubrey and Ashley will make their own show, I'd obviously watch shamelessly.
Posted by
Miss Manda
8:56 AM
Labels: ashley parker angel, aubrey o'day, kate hudson, lance armstrong
Alicia Keys working with Jack White

From the world of odd pairings, Alicia Keys and Jack White are gonna tag team the new James Bond theme, Another Way to Die. Jack actually wrote the song and was supposed to be joined by Amy Winehouse, but since she's such a total effing trainwreck, Alicia Keys signed on to take her spot.
Hey, it worked for Linkin Park and Jay-Z, so why not Alicia and Jack?
Posted by
8:40 AM
Labels: alicia keys, jack white, james bond, quantum of solace
Speaking of celebrity DUIs...

Another young actor was nailed with a DUI charge and arrested by police. Scott Michael Foster (who plays Cappie in Greek) was pulled over for a routine traffic stop, then nailed for being drunk after failing the field sobriety tests. He was released on $5,000 bail and made it to the Greek set the next morning, telling the cast and crew he was sorry and glad nothing worse happened.
What a dumbass.
Posted by
8:28 AM
Labels: dui, scott michael foster
Update on Shia LaBeouf crash
So there's a couple of updates on the crash that Shia LaBeouf had early Sunday morning where his truck rolled over and he was arrested for a DUI. First off, his hand surgery went fine and he'll be back on the set of the new Transformers movie within a month. Now for the juicy stuff...
A witness to the crash said he overheard the person Shia had the accident with telling Shia to leave the scene. Shia said that it was his problem and he had to stay and deal with it. Before it seemed like the person was just trying to be nice to Shia and make sure he didn't get in trouble, but after some new news, it makes sense.
Apparently it wasn't Shia's fault, but the other person ran a red light and nailed Shia, who was with Isabel Lucas (who also stars in Transformers). My guess is he was hoping that Shia would leave, then he could tell the cops that it wasn't his fault and Shia left the scene, so he'd get uber screwed.
Posted by
8:12 AM
Labels: shia labeouf
Celtics' Paul Pierce makes bold statement

Boston Celtics' star Paul Pierce was at a b-ball camp in Madrid, Spain for the last three days and was asked by a Spanish reporter if Kobe Bryant is really the best player in the world.
I don't think Kobe is the best player. I'm the best player. There's a line that separates having confidence and being conceited. I don't cross that line but I have a lot of confidence in myself.
Like the Kid Rock song says... "It ain't braggin if you back it up."
Posted by
7:52 AM
Labels: boston celtics, kobe bryant, paul pierce
"Chrianna" out and about

Even though they haven't come out and say they're a couple (even though Chris Brown's mother has said they are), I'm giving them a combined name, because that's how I roll. Chris Breezy and his "friend" (we know it's his girlfriend) Rihanna were in Maryland this past weekend cruising around on jetskis.
Posted by
7:33 AM
Labels: chris brown, rihanna
Desperate Housewives stars have babies a day apart

Two of the fellas on Desperate Housewives are now fathers, and their babies were born one day apart. On Sunday, Kyle MacLachlan (who plays Orson Hodge) announced he welcomed a baby boy with wife Desiree Gruber.

The next day (Monday, for those of you keeping score), Ricardo Chavira (who plays Carlos Solis) welcomed a baby girl with his wife Marcea Dietzel.
That's kinda cool, unless they knocked up their wives together on-set. Then that'd just be creepy.
Posted by
7:13 AM
Labels: desperate housewives, kyle maclachlan, ricardo chavira
John Mayer cheats on Jennifer Aniston!
Posted by
6:41 AM
Labels: jennifer aniston, john mayer
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ryan Sheckler is God
THIS is the cover of ESPN'S latest mag... Mr. Ryan Sheckler, skateboarder prodigy... aka Eye Candy, ladies.. enjoy!! sigh
Posted by
Miss Manda
3:00 PM
Labels: ryan sheckler
Ryan SEAcrest Bit by a Shark!
Notice I stressed the SEA in Seacrest haha d'oh.. anyways... Ryan Seacrest was at the beach this past week and was about 8 feet out from shore when he felt something swim past him.
"I thought it was a stick," he said. "I wasn't sure what had happened."
Then, he said, "I saw it swim! He took a bite, and he left."
The shark left him a gift, a tooth. Seacrest said it "wasn't a great thing to find. It was like finding a splinter!"
Posted by
Miss Manda
1:11 PM
Labels: ryan seacrest
Hannah Montana in its Last Season?
I'm 25 and this saddens even me... Miley Cyrus said, "We're thinking this is our last season," in an interview with E! News Tuesday night.
"I just think we did a lot of episodes. We basically did two seasons in one season last year. Usually people would do one season that would be, like, 16 episodes, and we did almost 30 episodes!"
While Cyrus's rep tells E!, "We do not know if this is the last season," the Disney folks confirm that the future of the show remains open-ended. Phew, so I still have hope...
"Miley said it best when she said she's delighted to be part of the Disney family," says a rep at Disney. "We start production on the third season of Hannah Montana on August 4 and have an option for a fourth season beyond that. We look forward to the Hannah Montana feature film coming to a theatre near you in Spring 2009."
o0o0o another movie, hopefully it has a storyline and isn't just a concert requiring you to wear glasses... I'd so watch! haha
Posted by
Miss Manda
11:50 AM
Labels: hannah montana, miley cyrus
Amy Winehouse back in the hospital

Not too much of a shocker here, but Amy Winehouse is back in the hospital. Seriously, they should just move her there and let her call it home. She didn't drop on the ground from being a drug addict this time (surprisingly). She had a bad reaction to some medication she was taking.
Ya know, the Matty in the Morning Show on KISS 108 in Boston does a "Dead Pool" where they predict what celebrity will die next. Someone picked Amy, and I gotta say, I think she has a good chance of winning.
Posted by
8:36 AM
Labels: amy winehouse
Miley apologizes for video
Don't apologize! Stomp her face!! Santino Marella said to!

Posted by
8:28 AM
Labels: miley cyrus, selena gomez
Kelsey Grammer back in hospital

I say his days of doing cocaine are just starting catching up with him. Poor fella, he seems like a super nice guy.
Posted by
8:22 AM
Labels: kelsey grammer
Balthazar wants his Boo back

Yeah, I'm sure having pics of you making out with Sienna Miller's half-naked ass posted all over the Internet is REALLY gonna help your chances.
Posted by
8:12 AM
Labels: balthazar getty
Kim Kardashian Loves the Big Mac
Anybody wanna tell me why Kim K would promote the BIG MAC'S 40TH BIRTHDAY? Especially in this outfit?!?! Though, I'm sure Ronald McDonald appreciated it...
Posted by
Miss Manda
8:07 AM
Labels: kim kardashian
Brigette Nielsen BEFORE AND AFTER
Posted by
Miss Manda
8:03 AM
Labels: brigitte nielsen
New Whitney Song?
This song is called LIKE I NEVER LEFT... it leaked on the net this week...I like it =) Can't wait for the new album.. I was her biggest fan until she spoke those famous words: CRACK IS WHACK... oh, Whitney... come back to me.
Posted by
Miss Manda
8:00 AM
Labels: whitney houston
Stupid Quote of the Day
"I’m hoping that John McCain [will] just ask Heidi to be his Vice President. Then Obama has no chance if Heidi’s VP.”
- Spencer Pratt
Posted by
Miss Manda
7:55 AM
Labels: heidi montag, spencer pratt
Miley Cyrus becoming spokeswoman for condoms?!
This one borders on statutory. LifeStyles Condoms has put $1 million on the table to become a spokesperson for the company and convince teens her age to use the product. Aside from the cool million, LifeStyles said they would also give her a lifetime supply of condoms for "whenever she feels the time is right."
Miley's camp said they haven't received an official offer, but even if they do, it's something they'd never consider.
Might wanna check with Miley about that. She might like the lifetime supply of love gloves.
Posted by
7:23 AM
Labels: miley cyrus
Screech throwing his old "classmates" under the bus
Ya know, for someone who seemed like he'd be a kick ass geek to hang out with, Dustin Diamond (who played Screech on Saved by the Bell) turned out to be a real douchebag. Everyone knows about the drama he caused on 2 seasons of Celebrity Fit Club, but now he's gonna stick it to the people that help put him on the map.
Dustin signed a deal to write a tell-all book about Saved by the Bell, including all of the behind the scenes "sexual escapades between cast members, drug use and hardcore partying."
Soooo basically, the cast probably didn't want to party with him and none of the girls wanted to hook up with him, so he's bitter and trying to make them sound bad. Frankly, I think it'd be cool to find out Kelly Kapowski hooked up with Mr. Belding. A little creepy, but cool.
Posted by
6:50 AM
Labels: dustin diamond, saved by the bell, screech
Not feelin' McCain or Obama? Vote for Willie!

Hell, why not? He can't do any worse than Bush. At least he'll drink Moonshine on the job.
Posted by
6:39 AM
Labels: willie nelson
Carrie Underwood and 50 Cent = BFF

Talk about an odd couple. 50 Cent and Carrie Underwood are tight, yo. They spent some time together while on set shooting a Vitamin Water commercial with Fiddy, Big Papi (that's Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz to all of you across the pond or down under), and Chicago Bears' Brian Urlacher. Carrie felt intimidated, but Fiddy made her all comfy.
He was joking around with me. I was the only girl there, so I felt kind of uncomfortable. I was like a midget next to all these giant guys. So, he was trying to make me feel at ease. He's a really cool guy.
Let's be real here. He's a guy, she's a gorgeous girl. We all know he was just being nice so he could try to...ahem..."Carrie" her "Underwood" (yes, that's a dirty joke.)
Posted by
6:22 AM
Labels: 50 cent, carrie underwood
Monday, July 28, 2008
Rebecca Romijn pregnant with twins
Damn, Jerry O'Connell doesn't waste time!
Last Tuesday, we reported that Jerry O'Connell told the press that he and his wife, Rebecca Romijn, were trying to get pregnant. Six days later, reps for Jerry and Rebecca confirmed that they're pregnant with twins.
I said it once and I'll say it again. He's one lucky SOB.
Posted by
12:01 PM
Labels: jerry o'connell, rebecca romijn
Matt Damon having another daughter

Matt Damon recently told USA Today that he and his wife Luciana are expecting a baby girl...again.
I'm so outnumbered down here, it's crazy.
Matt has a 2-year-old daughter, Isabella, and a 9-year-old stepdaughter, Alexia.
Poor fella. I couldn't imagine living with that many women in a house alone. Well, unless they were my age and hot.
Posted by
11:54 AM
Labels: matt damon
Miley Cyrus Vs Selena Gomez -- it's war!

There's a war of the Disney starlets starting, and it's gonna get good! Let's run down the tale of the tape and compare the two for the match of the century.
Miley: Acts, sings, dated Nick Jonas, has a show with her friend Mandy on YouTube, is the face of Disney (whether they like her Myspace pics or not).
Selena: Acts, dates Nick Jonas now, now has a show with her friend Demi on YouTube, and rumor has it she's being groomed to be the next face of Disney.
Totally sounds like Selena is trying to be Miley. First she starts dating Miley's ex, and then randomly starts a show with her friend on YouTube? How much you wanna bet she starts putting racy pics of herself on Myspace? Not to mention her and her friend are INSANELY annoying. Check out their "show."
And now, check out Miley and Mandy's parody of it (which I personally think is hilarious.)
Never in my life did I think I'd be rooting for Miley Cyrus, but I hope she stomps on Selena's face.
Posted by
11:39 AM
Labels: miley cyrus, selena gomez
Shia LaBeouf gets a DUI
Maybe he thought he could get drunk and his car would drive itself home? Too bad this is real life and not Transformers.
Shia was driving around early yesterday morning when his truck hit another car and rolled over twice. Shia, his lady friend in the passenger seat, and the driver of the other car all only had minor injuries. Shia's rap sheet is a different story, though.
Shia was charged with a DUI after the crash, and later released and given an August court date.
I guess his days as Louis Stevens on the Disney Channel are definitely over.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Labels: dui, shia labeouf
Halle Berry hates paparazzi
Hell hath no fury like a Halle Berry scorned.
Halle is uber pissed at the paparazzi for trespassing on her personal property and taking pictures of her with her four-month-old daughter, Nahla Ariela Aubry, in her backyard.
Halle filed a criminal complaint and is also trying to get the pictures taken off the Web. She said that even though she knows her job keeps her in the limelight, it's what she chooses to do. Her daughter doesn't have the choice, so until she's old enough to choose that being in the public eye is what she wants, Halle is going to keep her daughter out of it.
She's scary. Hot, but scary.
Posted by
10:31 AM
Labels: halle berry
Shanna Moakler and Kim Kardashian throw down!
Shanna Moakler is a total drama queen, and she showed it while at the DKNY Jeans Beach House in Malibu over the weekend. Kim Kardashian happened to be there too, and we reported earlier that Shanna is convinced that Kim cheated on her boyfriend Reggie Bush with Shanna's ex-husband Travis Barker.
Kim was actually doing her own thing at the party and minding her own business, which was obviously plenty of reason for Shanna to walk up to her, call her a whore, and throw a drink in her face.
I was going to leave, but I'm a human being. I get upset. I wasn't drunk, and I confronted her. She ruined my marriage and my family. If I get passionate about it, they call me crazy.
No, they call you crazy because you ARE crazy.
Posted by
9:50 AM
Labels: kim kardashian, shanna moakler
Remaining "Golden Girls" no-show Estelle Getty's funeral
Mean old broads. I bet karma comes back on them and they all break their hips.
Posted by
9:38 AM
Labels: estelle getty, the golden girls
Penelope Cruz doesn't like to practice baby-making
So everyone thinks that since Penelope Cruz is hot and has that latina fire to her, she must be a great at "cuddling." But rumor has it she may not even like to "cuddle." WHAT?!
Penelope apparently told the German newspaper Bild that sometimes she's just not into being intimate because of her and her boyfriend's (actor Javier Bardem) opposite schedules. Call me crazy, but if you never see the person you're dating, wouldn't you want to be intimate even more when you actually do?!
There's some controversy with all this though. Penelope's people are saying that she never spoke to the paper, and they're talking about pursuing legal action against them. Meanwhile, Penelope has a hot and steamy love scene with Scarlett Johansson in her newest flick Vicky Cristina Barcelona, which will hit theaters soon.
Muy caliente! (that means "very hot" in Spanish. Man, celeb gossip AND spanish lessons? RULES!)
Posted by
8:59 AM
Labels: penelope cruz
Sarah Jessica Parker got cheated on!

Uh oh! Sarah Jessica Parker is really going to need her "Mr. Big" (Sex and the City reference, ya pervs) now! Star Magazine is reporting that her husband, Matthew Broderick (who hasn't done anything noteworthy in Hollywood since Ferris Bueller's Day Off) cheated on her with a 25-year-old redhead!
Say it ain't so, Ferris!
Posted by
8:23 AM
Labels: matthew broderick, sarah jessica parker